Once Upon a Time
Season 6 Episode 20: “The Song In Your Heart”
Directed by Ron Underwood
Written by Andrew Chambliss, David H. Goodman
Created by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz
Starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore, Robert Carlyle, Rebecca Mader
Air Date: Sunday, May 7th, 2017, 8:00pm
Last time on Once Upon A Time, we got the Black Fairy’s (Jaime Murray) backstory. Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) was destined to be a Savior, but his mother did not want him to bear that… so she cut his fate and became the dark evil instead – The Black Fairy. Zelena (Rebecca Mader) struck the Black Fairy with her car. Who needs magic? Now that the Black Fairy is no more (so they think), the wedding will happen. Hook asked Henry (Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore) to be his best man. Gold is plotting with The Black Fairy, who is fine.
Spoilers and 3 of the songs below.
Once Upon A Time 6.20 “The Song In Your Heart” review: It opens with a young Emma in her group home practicing for a talent show. The rest of the episode vaults from past to present on the road to the final battle.
Past: Snow frets about Emma’s future. When she wakes up, she and Charming sing a song and are aware that it is a spell or a “wish upon a star.” Who knew that Goodwin and Dallas had chops like that? They are super cheesy and I love it.
Present: Snow gives Emma her wedding dress, but The Black Fairy turns it black. She tells Emma to go to the clock tower to see what she is up against. They all go – black fairy dust set to send out another curse on Storybrooke.
Past: “Mirror mirror on the wall, save me from this hell.” Even her mirror is singing – it may defeat the impending dark curse. The Evil Queen is tortured by all of her mirrors. Everyone is singing their happiness. She visits all the people from the mirrors and scares them. I love that her music is rock and roll and leather.
Present: Emma tells Hook what’s going on (honesty is their way now), and says she’ll be at the wedding, but for him not to come with her now. Of course he doesn’t listen, and goes and knocks out Gold, but the Black Fairy shows up and thwarts him.
Past: What commences is the best song of the episode (watch it below). Snow and Charming seek Hook out for safe passage to the Evil Queen. Captain Hook sings a revenge song and I can’t believe it is possible that he becomes even sexier than he’s ever been. “Revenge, revenge, revenge is gonna be mine!” They get to her and there’s a nice dark/light song from the trio. But I’m right there with ya, Regina. Those Charmings are vomit-cute on a bad day.
Present: Emma wants to give up to save her family. She’s always been so alone. The Black Fairy freezes everyone except Henry for some reason. Emma gets very grownup advice from her son, because of a secret page explaining the songs in her heart. The songs defeat the Black Fairy’s magic (for now), and everyone unfreezes. Emma and Hook get married and they have one helluva musical reception finale.
I LOVE musical episodes. I think shows should do at least one a season (I know – not realistic). This was a nice penultimate episode, with pretty Disney songs that can hold their own with any of the big ones. Fixing evil with music is a great solution, especially in a show where they are always fighting some Big Bad. And Hook and Emma finally got married!
Some thoughts:
– I just love that “walking away so serious” face that actors do (like when Emma walked from Henry). There is definitely a secret acting class that is just about that face.
– Lana Parilla is hooooootttt……
– Carlyle’s Rumplestiltskin costume is sick. Why have I not commented on that before?
– The violin music at the wedding was beautiful and haunting.
– Oh my god. Hook and Emma – relationship goals.
The Once Upon A Time 2-part season finale airs next Sunday night at 8:00pm ET on ABC.
Hook’s Song: Revenge Is Gonna Be Mine – Once Upon A Time
Watch a sneak peek of the Captain Hook’s musical number from the Once Upon a Time musical episode event, ‘The Song in Your Heart,’ Season 6, Episode 20, and don’t miss Once Upon a Time SUNDAYS 8|7c on ABC.
The Evil Queen’s Song “Love Doesn’t Stand A Chance” – Once Upon A Time
Watch a sneak peek of the Evil Queen’s musical number from the Once Upon a Time musical episode event, ‘The Song in Your Heart,’ Season 6, Episode 20, and don’t miss Once Upon a Time SUNDAYS 8|7c on ABC.
Snow and Charming’s Song: Powerful Magic – Once Upon A Time
Watch a sneak peek of the Snow White and Prince Charming’s musical number from the Once Upon a Time musical episode event, ‘The Song in Your Heart,’ Season 6, Episode 20, and don’t miss Once Upon a Time SUNDAYS 8|7c on ABC.
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