| TV Review: Once Upon A Time 6.20 “The Song In Your Heart” (Musical) |

Once Upon a Time
Season 6 Episode 20: “The Song In Your Heart”
Directed by Ron Underwood
Written by Andrew Chambliss, David H. Goodman
Created by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz
Starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore, Robert Carlyle, Rebecca Mader
Air Date: Sunday, May 7th, 2017, 8:00pm Last time on Once Upon A Time, we got the Black Fairy’s (Jaime Murray) backstory. Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) was destined to be a Savior, but his mother did not want him to bear that… so she cut his fate and became the dark evil instead – The Black Fairy. Zelena (Rebecca Mader) struck the Black Fairy with her car. Who needs magic? Now that the Black Fairy is no more (so they think), the wedding will happen. Hook asked Henry (Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore) to be his best man. Gold is plotting with The Black Fairy, who is fine. Spoilers and 3 of the songs below.
...continue reading » Tags: ABC, Adam Horowitz, Andrew Chambliss, Colin O'Donoghue, David H. Goodman, Disney, Edward Kitsis, Emilie de Ravin, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jared Gilmore, Jennifer Morrison, Josh Dallas, Lana Parrilla, Once Upon a Time, Rebecca Mader, Robert Carlyle, Ron Underwood | |
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| TV Review: Once Upon A Time 6.2 “A Bitter Draught” |

Once Upon a Time
Season 6 Episode 2: “A Bitter Draught”
Directed by Ron Underwood
Written by Andrew Chambliss, Dana Horgan
Created by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz
Starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore, Robert Carlyle, Rebecca Mader
Air Date: Sunday, October 2nd, 2016, 8:00pm Last week’s Once Upon A Time rolled 37 stories into one. This fast-paced fairy tale had adventure minute to minute. Gold (Robert Carlyle) entered Belle’s (Emilie de Ravin) dreams in an effort to wake her with true love. Her dream setting was the castle where she first served him. Although the love part didn’t work (turns out even her fetus is against reconciliation), we got a “sigh” moment as they danced to the Beauty and the Beast theme song. Belle did get woken up, but left Gold. A flashback revealed that Aladdin (Deniz Akdeniz) used to be a savior, but Jafar (Oded Fehr – who definitely had to be a Dark One) broke him. The symptoms he had were ones that Emma (Jennifer Morrison) is experiencing now, but hiding from everyone except Mr. Hyde (Sam Witwer). These symptoms include the shakes, and visions of her unavoidable, and really soon future death. Refugees from The Land of Untold Stories crashed in Storybrooke, and they are coaxed out of hiding and welcomed. Regina (Lana Parilla) just cannot get past the role Zelena (Rebecca Mader) played in Robin’s death, however unintentional. This made her ripe for the Evil Queen’s picking. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: ABC, Adam Horowitz, Andrew Chambliss, Colin O'Donoghue, Dana Horgan, Edward Kitsis, Emilie de Ravin, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jared Gilmore, Jennifer Morrison, Josh Dallas, Lana Parrilla, Once Upon a Time, Rebecca Mader, Robert Carlyle, Ron Underwood | |
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| TV Review: Once Upon A Time 6.1 “The Savior” |

Once Upon a Time
Season 6 Episode 1: “The Savior”
Directed by Eagle Egilsson
Written by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz
Created by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz
Starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore, Robert Carlyle, Rebecca Mader
Air Date: Sunday, September 25th, 2016, 8:00pm Last season on Once Upon A Time, our Storybrooke residents traveled to Camelot, and met King Arthur who was evil and Merlin who was good. Emma (Jennifer Morrison) started there as a dark one, and her loved ones tried to save her. She, in turn (not the best in the decision department), saves Hook’s life by turning him into a dark one. He acts accordingly until the end, when he decides to die heroically instead. My Hero! Zelena (Rebecca Mader) finally found her true love, but he was so bad, he was king of the Underworld, Hades (Greg Germann). Her true love killed Regina’s, and we were so sad to see Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) leave her. They met Brave and Lancelot, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Hercules and Dorothy, and were swept to many lands as this fairy tale often takes us. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: ABC, Adam Horowitz, Colin O'Donoghue, Edward Kitsis, Emilie de Ravin, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jared Gilmore, Jennifer Morrison, Josh Dallas, Lana Parrilla, Once Upon a Time, Rebecca Mader, Robert Carlyle | |
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| TV Review: Once Upon A Time 5.22 “Only You” & 5.23 “An Untold Story” (Finale) |

Once Upon a Time
Season 5 Episodes 22 & 23: “Only You” & “An Untold Story”
Directed by Romeo Tirone (5.22) & Dean White (5.23)
Written by Andrew Chambliss, David H. Goodman (5.22) & Adam Horowitz, Edward Kitsis (5.23)
Created by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz
Starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore, Robert Carlyle, Rebecca Mader
Air Date: Sunday, May 15th, 2016, 8:00pm This season, Once Upon A Time went from Camelot to the Greek Underworld, from King Arthur to Hades with a bunch of Dark Ones thrown in. Half the characters were dead with unfinished business, and the show explored how darkness can overcome the best of heroes. The season was filled with the usual-yet-oh-so-successful formula of bad magic + bad deals + bad love… hmmm… these fairy tales don’t ever really have happy endings. But that’s what makes it so entertaining, right? There are no limits – any realm, any time, any character, any story, any creature… can pop up to challenge our heroes. Last week, we lost Robin Hood (Sean Maguire – nooo!!!!) and Hades (Greg Germann – meh), but Zelena and Regina (Rebecca Mader and Lana Parilla) were finally and completely united in sisterhood, and Hook and Emma (Colin O’Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison) were reunited in love. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: ABC, Adam Horowitz, Andrew Chambliss, Colin O'Donoghue, David H. Goodman, Dean White, Edward Kitsis, Emilie de Ravin, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jared Gilmore, Jennifer Morrison, Josh Dallas, Lana Parrilla, Once Upon a Time, Rebecca Mader, Robert Carlyle, Romeo Tirone | |
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| TV Review: Once Upon A Time 5.21 “Last Rites” |

Once Upon a Time
Season 5 Episodes 21: “Last Rites”
Directed by Craig Powell
Written by Jerome Schwartz
Created by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz
Starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Colin O’Donoghue, Jared Gilmore, Robert Carlyle, Sean Maguire, Rebecca Mader
Air Date: Sunday, May 8th, 2016, 8:00pm Last week, Once Upon A Time was full of betrayal and heartbreak. We got to see an Emma (Jennifer Morrison) origin story about how she became a bail bondsman, and acquired her signature red leather jacket. She also helped Hades (Greg Germann) get Zelena (Rebecca Mader) from Gold and Pan (Robert Carlyle and Robbie Kay), after they predictably tried to double-cross them. Since that didn’t work, Gold stole Robin Hood’s heart to give to his youthful father. That was a sham, as Gold double-crossed him and gave him a skin filled with water instead from the River of Souls. Hades took the names off of the tombstones, but the heroes couldn’t follow yet. That shared heart thing did not work because Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) was dead for too long. Hades told them how they could get their shot, but that was a dead end. Although it did prove their true love, there was no magic ambrosia left to help, and Emma had to leave him. It was all a setup. Also setup were the rest of them, trapped by Cruella and the blind witch. Emma was able to save the others and they all left the Underworld through the portal. Goodbye Hook. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: ABC, Adam Horowitz, Colin O'Donoghue, Craig Powell, Disney, Edward Kitsis, Emilie de Ravin, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jared Gilmore, Jennifer Morrison, Jerome Schwartz, Josh Dallas, Lana Parrilla, Once Upon a Time, Rebecca Mader, Robert Carlyle, Sean Maguire | |
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