And so another year of movies has come to a close, and like most people, I would say it was a pretty great year at the box office. And as I look over my list of movies of 2017, I see I reached 77 films watched. And for those who are new to my posts, that includes any movie I saw for the first time, so the easiest and first cut as I whittle down my list to ten movies, is to get rid of the older movies. That mostly consists of the movies that I see during the Best Picture Showcase every year. And as a quick refresh, you can check out my top ten list at the halfway point here .
At that point we were just finished with the summer movie season and we just dipping our toes into the Oscar season. It’s that time of the year where we get to see if the popcorn movies can survive the serious and dramatic movies. I will say that there are a few Oscar worthy movies I did not get a chance to see, partly due to the fact that I go to the Best Picture Showcase every year, and don’t want to have to sit through a bad movie a second time. Will Logan remain at the #1 spot, and would any of the #5-10 survive? Before we get to my final 10, I would like to mention a few movies that fall in the honorable mention and were ones I went back and forth on whether it was worthy of making the final cut.
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond
Pokemon: I Choose You
Logan Lucky
Ingrid Goes West
Baby Driver
Free Fire
Kong Skull Island
10 – Atomic Blonde
Available on Blu-ray and DVD
Atomic Blonde was locked in at the #10 spot at the halfway point, and it remained at that spot at year’s end. Just a quick refresh: some great music, an amazing visual style, some great action sequences, and of course, you have Charlize Theron kicking ass and looking amazing while doing it. 2017 was a year of kickass ladies and great soundtracks, and this is a fine example of both. Even after seeing this one and knowing how it ends, it was still one that received multiple viewings from me, and of course plenty of love for the soundtrack on my iPod.
9 – Wonder Woman
Available on Blu-ray and DVD
And the trend of kickass ladies continues with my #9 movie of 2017, Wonder Woman. It was previously at the #3 spot at the halfway point, but even after seeing it numerous times in various-sized screens and format (IMAX, 3D, and 2D), it slid down a little but was able to still make it into my top ten. Gal Gadot shined in this one, and of course, some great work behind the camera as well, from Patty Jenkins. The success of this movie was a pivotal point in the DC Cinematic Universe, and depending on how you felt about Justice League, it early continued or went back to the old ways. I landed on the side that it continued, although I did not hate the other DC movies as much as others did. Can’t wait to see what Wonder Woman 2 brings to the table, and hopefully the success continues. And hopefully we can get away from the CGI bad guy, one of the not so great parts of this one.
8 – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Available on Blu-ray and DVD, also on Netflix Streaming
The very first Guardians of the Galaxy was the #1 movie for me that year, so you could say that my expectations were high going into Vol. 2. This was at the #4 spot at the halfway point of 2017, and this was another one that I saw multiple times and formats, including 2 or 3 times in the first few weeks. And after some thinking as I was making my year-end list, I decided to move this one just slightly ahead of Wonder Woman. Gamora, played by Zoe Saldana, and another great soundtrack means our trend continues, although she may not be as front and center as the ladies in our previous movies on this list. A great movie, with all kinds of emotions (damn you Rocket, got me every time I watch this), and another great story revolved around the meaning of family.
7 – Coco (in 3D)
Still in theaters
For those who are rookies to my posts, I am a HUGE Pixar fan, although I am willing to admit the studio has had a few missteps, but I am very happy to report that they are back on track with their newest release, Coco. I will say that I did enjoy Cars 3, mostly because it was back to being about racing and not trying to be a spy movie. Anyway, back to Coco, as we have a visually stunning movie, no surprise from Pixar, a great soundtrack, one that I bought right after I saw it, that seemed to happen a lot this year. Another movie about family and remembering those that are no longer with us, and of course that adds up to a few moments of fighting back some tears. A great movie to see with your family, and of course one I would suggest checking out in 3D too, to enhance those visuals and draw you even more into the world of Coco.
6 – Dunkirk
Available on Blu-ray and DVD
And the biggest surprise from my previous list to my final one would be this movie. I saw Dunkirk in glorious IMAX and was treated to a few hours of being pounded by some intense sights and sounds, I was literally drained after watching this in the theater. I was a little worried about how it would hold up not being seen on an IMAX screen. I bought the Blu-ray and I would say it was still enjoyable and kept me on the edge of my seat. Plus as an added bonus, thanks to subtitles I was able to understand what people were saying, due to heavy accents and being over powered by the sound design. I am hoping that this might get a return engagement to IMAX around Oscar time, so make the trip, I drive about an hour to see movies on a real IMAX screen. If you don’t get a chance to see it on IMAX, perhaps a great sound system at home and turning on subtitles will give you just a taste of what you are missing out on. This one deserves a few viewings due to the use of time in it, you catch a few things during multiple viewings.
5 – Brigsby Bear
Available on Blu-ray and DVD
As I made a trip to my local independent movie theater, I think I was there to see The Little Hours, I was first introduced to this movie with a trailer, which included a quote from Peter Sciretta from /Film. And that was enough to peak my interest in the movie, as the trailer gave little info about the movie, but loved the overall tone and look to it. I sadly missed this one when it was in theaters, as it was only playing for like a week or so, which I was bummed about, but was able to eventually check it out when it hit DVD and Blu-ray, and as you can see, I really enjoyed it. This is one of those movies that I don’t want to say too much, but hopefully you trust me enough to give it a shot. It’s a heartwarming story that revolves around friendship and our love for TV and movies.
4 – Molly’s Game
In theaters now
Hot off her role in Miss Sloane last year, a movie worthy of your time, Jessica Chastain is back, as she portrays Molly Bloom and her story of underground poker games and the price it cost her. And it’s not just Chastain who brings her A game, you can throw in Idris Elba and Kevin Costner, and let’s not forget about the great dialogue written and directed by Aaron Sorkin. I am not a huge poker fan, but I still really enjoyed the movie, they do a nice job of explaining stuff along the way. I have a feeling this one will get some Oscar love this year, and perhaps will walk away with a few well-deserved awards.
3 – Shape of Water
In theaters now
What happens when you mix Amelie, The Creature From the Black Lagoon and the world of Bioshock all together with the visionary style of Guillermo del Toro? You get my #3 movie of 2017, The Shape of Water. Pretty much every year there is always one movie that makes my list that is a little on the weird side, and even though I know this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, all I can hope is that maybe you will give this one a shot. As an added bonus, this is also a love story about movies and musicals, and yes this one falls into the category of one that made me buy the soundtrack as soon as I got home. Looking forward to seeing this one again, after watching and hearing some reviews, looking to see what a second viewing brings to the table. And much like the previous movie on my list, I think some Oscar love should and hopefully will be coming its way. Some great performances all around, with some kudos to Sally Hawkins for her powerful performance without barely saying a single word in this one. And some great supporting roles from Richard Jenkins and Michael Shannon, and of course a great combo of Doug Jones playing the amphibian man.
2 – Your Name
Available on Blu-ray and DVD
Well my #2 movie at the halfway point of 2017 was able to hold its position at the end of the year. Although this is not the intense experience like Dunkirk, this is another that should be seen on a big screen, though the chances of that at this point are slim. Just checking out the trailer you get a nice taste of the amazing visuals and soundtrack in this movie. A great story about two people in different worlds who become connected and learn a thing or two from each other, while also building a great relationship. I had to re-watch this again just to make sure it deserved to be still #2, and it was. So much great in this one, and another one that I hope you will give a shot, and I can only hope you fall in love with it like I did.
1 – Logan (Noir)
Available on Blu-ray and DVD
And it seems that Logan remains supreme #1 for 2017. There were plenty of contenders that stepped up to the plate, but nothing was able to knock it down, much like Logan himself. Since this was the #1 at the halfway point, hopefully I won’t be repeating myself too much. It’s too bad we had to wait this long for a great Wolverine movie, and the “Noir” version of this one just enhanced the greatness even more. I look forward to where they go next with this story and hopefully we continue in this direction and stay far away from the hot mess that was the first Wolverine movie.
And with that we are done with 2017 and I can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for us. Hopefully more good than bad, I think that is something we can all agree on. How does your list compare to mine? A few similar choices I hope, and like I said, if not, hopefully you will give the ones you haven’t seen a shot. No matter what you think after seeing it, good or bad, just the fact you sat down and watched it will make me happy. Feel free to drop me a line on Twitter at @seandps.
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