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No matter the trilogy, Star Wars has revolved around the Skywalker family and two warring factions. But next month, it all comes to an epic conclusion with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The film is still a little over a month away from release, the cast and crew have been making the typical media rounds at Star Wars Celebration and D23, and the marketing team has released trailers, footage, and more.
Now, in an effort to increase that huge hype, a new handful of images have been released that see Rey (Daisy Ridley) going through some lightsaber training with a very familiar remote, a legion of stormtroopers storming a snowy location, and Poe (Oscar Isaac) piloting the Millennium Falcon. Check out these new images below.
These new images were released exclusively by Entertainment Weekly.
Of course, we don’t know much about what is going on in these images besides some of the obvious things like Rey is lightsaber training with a training. Then there is Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), with an army of stormtroopers at his back, looking at something. Something has caught First Order Allegiant General Pryde’s (Richard E. Grant) attention. There’s a legion of stormtroopers on parade. Poe, Finn (John Boyega), and Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) are being briefed on a new mission for the Resistance. And then Poe is piloting the Millennium Falcon with Finn and Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) by his side.
But it will be interesting to see how all of the images will tie into what we have seen in the trailers, like Rey running from Kylo Ren’s Tie Fighter; a fleet of Star Destroyers standing by and ready for battle as a lighting storm rages in the background; the Millennium Falcon leading an armada of Resistance fighters; plenty of shots of Rey and Kylo Ren clashing lightsabers on half-submerged wreckage of the second Death Star; an interesting shot of the two shattering a statue into pieces; and Rey, in a dark cloak, obtaining a red lightsaber that folds out, and another shot of her walking away from who we suspect to be Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious, who is sitting on a floating throne.
So feel free to speculate how all it will tie into the film because your guess is as good as ours. And you know how director J.J. Abrams likes to keep things a secret.
You can find the full gallery of images over at Entertainment Weekly.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opens in theaters on December 20, 2019.
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