| Comic Review: Transformers: Dark Prelude |
Transformers: Dark Prelude
Trade Paperback | Kindle Edition
Written by James Roberts, John Barber and Nick Roche
Art by Steve Kurth, Chee, Nick Roche, David Daza, Matt Frank and Agustin Padilla
Inks for Orion Pax by Juan Castro
Colors by J. Aburtov, Graphikslava, Ronda Pattison, Len O’Grady, Zac Atkinson, Thomas Deer and Joana LaFuente
Letters by Shawn Lee
Series Edits by John Barber and Carlos Guzman
Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon
Cover by Nick Roche
IDW Publishing
Release Date: August 14, 2013
Cover Price: $19.99
Transformers: Dark Prelude collects the storylines of Orion Pax, ThunderCracker, Megatron, Bumblebee, TrailCutter and Hoist in an overarching story that spans millions of years, from the distant past, to now. Each story shows a major event from each character’s life. This allows for a more in-depth view into each character’s make up and driving forces. The abrupt changes between the different stories can be a bit much but do help to distance each story from the last. This was also helped by each character’s changes in appearance between stories. These stories add to lore of this Transformers universe in a wonderful way.
...continue reading » Tags: Agustin Padilla, Carlos Guzman, Chee, Dark Prelude, David Daza, Graphic Novel, Graphikslava, J. Aburtov, James Roberts, Joana Lafuente, John Barber, Juan Castro, Len O'Grady, Matt Frank, Nick Roche, Ronda Pattison, Shawn Lee, Steve Kurth, Thomas Deer, Transformers, Zac Atkinson | |
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| Comic Review: Dungeons & Dragons: Neverwinter Tales: The Legend Of Drizzt |
The Legend Of Drizzt
Dungeons & Dragons: Neverwinter Tales
Written by R.A. Salvatore and Geno Salvatore
Art by Agustin Padilla
Colors by Leonard O’Grady
Letters by Chris Mowry and John Barber
Cover by Gonzalo Flores
IDW Publishing
Release Date: May 1, 2013
Cover Price: $19.99
I love graphic novels. Don’t get me wrong, I was brought up on monthly comics. It’s just that as I’ve gotten older I have a deeper appreciation for contained stories. Dungeons & Dragons: Neverwinter Tales: The Legend Of Drizzt is a prime example. Having missed the first issue, I was originally a wee bit behind. Thanks to this wonderful book, that is no longer the case! Written by R.A. Salvatore and son Geno Salvatore, this story takes place during the Neverwinter Saga of books. But the tale itself is all inclusive and doesn’t tie directly in with those novels, so you can enjoy one without having read the other. The really interesting thing about this particular one is that it centers around a lesser-known character from the books, Thibbledorf Pwent. As leader of the Gutbuster Brigade of Battleragers, Pwent was always at the forefront of any battle, charging ahead with no regard to his own mortality. This time around, though, things are quite different. No spoilers from me, but everyone thought he had died defending his king. Lost for so long, Pwent’s plight is a dark and lonely one that is fully explained here.
...continue reading » Tags: Agustin Padilla, Chris Mowry, Drizzt, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Forgotten Realms, Geno Salvatore, Gonzalo Flores, IDW Publishing, John Barber, Leonard O'Grady, Neverwinter Saga, Neverwinter Tales, R.A. Salvatore, The Legend Of Drizzt, Thibbledorf Pwent | |
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| Comic Review: Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend Of Drizzt: Neverwinter Tales #3 Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend Of Drizzt: Neverwinter Tales #3
Written by R.A. Salvatore and Geno Salvatore
Art by Agustin Padilla
Colors by Leonard O’Grady
Letters by Chris Mowry
Covers by Gonzalo Flores, Tim Seeley, Leonard O’Grady, Eric Deschamps
IDW Publishing
Release Date: November 9, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99
It seems that R.A. Salvatore is everywhere these days. And I love it! He and his son, Geno Salvatore, are writing all-new adventures for Drizzt in The Legend Of Drizzt: Neverwinter Tales #3. I’m always a sucker for new dark elf adventures. I miss his old allies but, as with all stories, things change. As always he has Guenhwyvar with him, plus his unique unicorn steed. Dahlia, his dark-hearted elven companion, accompanies him as well. Unfortunately, I didn’t read the first two issues, so I’m playing catch up with this one…luckily, it wasn’t difficult.
...continue reading » Tags: Agustin Padilla, Chris Mowry, Drizzt, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Eric Deschamps, Geno Salvatore, Gonzalo Flores, IDW Publishing, Leonard O'Grady, Neverwinter Tales, R.A. Salvatore, The Legend Of Drizzt, Tim Seeley | |
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| Comic Review: Snake Eyes #7 |
By PS Hayes
| @
| November 15th, 2011 at 5:00 pm |
Snake Eyes #7
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Casey Maloney
Inked by Juan Castro
Colors by Simon Gough, Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Letters by Shawn Lee
Covers by Robert Atkins, Agustin Padilla, and Trevor Hutchison
IDW Publishing
Release Date: November 16th, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99
Writer Chuck Dixon got my letters. After a few disappointing issues, I am happy to report there is 100% more Snake Eyes ninja butt-kicking in Snake Eyes #7 than in the last three issues combined. THANK YOU, CHUCK!! Not only that, but this issue actually moves the Hunt for Cobra Commander story arc forward, as we’ve only got two more issues of G.I. Joe comics until we find out who’s going to be the new Cobra Commander!
...continue reading » Tags: Agustin Padilla, Casey Maloney, Chuck Dixon, G.I. Joe, IDW Publishing, Juan Castro, Robert Atkins, Romulo Fajardo Jr, Shawn Lee, Simon Gough, Snake Eyes, Trevor Hutchison | |
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| Comic Review: Snake Eyes #6 |
By PS Hayes
| @
| October 22nd, 2011 at 2:48 pm |
Snake Eyes #6
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Casey Maloney
Inks by Juan Castro
Colors by Simon Gough, Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Letters by Neil UyeTake
Covers by Robert Atkins, Agustin Padilla
IDW Publishing
Release Date: October 19, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99
What I really like about Snake Eyes #6 is that it showed a different side of the Cobra Civil War storyline. There’s plenty of Joes and Cobras to go around, so it’s nice to get a little glimpse on what the coolest member of the GI Joe team is up to while the rest of the team is scrambling to hold their own and the forces of Cobra are launching all out war on the Joes. What I liked most about this issue was the constant action. In the whole book there’s maybe one whole page of “talking heads” and that’s it. And that’s the way a Snake Eyes comic should be.
...continue reading » Tags: Agustin Padilla, Casey Maloney, Chuck Dixon, G.I. Joe, IDW Publishing, Juan Castro, Neil Uyetake, Robert Atkins, Romulo Fajardo Jr, Simon Gough, Snake Eyes | |
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