![Who Do You Love Who Do You Love]()
Who Do You Love
Directed by: Jerry Zaks
Starring: Alessandro Nivola, John Abrahams, David Oyelowo, Chi McBride, Megalyn Ann Echikunwoke, Marika Dominczyk, Keb’ Mo’
Alexander/ Mitchell Productions
Release Date: April 9, 2010 (Limited)
“The Blues Had A Baby And They Named It Rock And Roll” — Muddy Waters
There is a name in music that many have forgotten over the years. This name is responsible for the discovery of some of the greatest musical talents this world has ever known. This name is responsible for the discovery of Rock and Roll itself. That name is Leonard Chess.
Who Do You Love is a biopic about Leonard Chess (Alessandro Nivola), who as a Jewish immigrant in Chicago realized that there was a new sound in music and that no one had jumped on it yet. He first opened up a new nightclub where musicians could play, but it was not long before he and his brother Phil Chess (John Abrahams) along with the help of songwriter Willie Dixon (Chi McBride) decided they needed to record this music and share it with the world.
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