Season 1 Episode 1: “Vertical Mobility”
Written & Directed by David Pastor, Àlex Pastor
Starring Sean Teale, Allison Miller, Eddie Ramos, Julia Ormond, Dennis Haysbert, Damon Herriman
Air Date: Wednesday, November 30th, 2016, 10:00pm
Incorporated made its debut last night on SyFy, and perhaps right in time for President-Elect Trump. The show is based in the year 2074 and corporations govern all… freaky right? The series is executively produced by Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and Jennifer Todd, and created, written and directed by the Pastor Brothers (Alex and David). They co-wrote the 2015 film Self/less starring Ryan Reynolds, and wrote and directed the underrated and underseen 2009 plague film, Carriers. As we learn in the opening crawl, the world was destroyed thanks to global warming (you hear that PE Trump!), and now the corporations rule, secretly battling over Earth’s dwindling resources. Humanity is divided into zones. Green is good for those working for one of these corporations. Red is for the rest of us.
Spoilers below for the premiere of Incorporated!
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