| Apocalyptic Thriller ‘Radioflash’ Gets An Official Trailer![Radioflash Radioflash Movie](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/10/radioflash-ifc-midnight-530x301.jpg?resize=530%2C301&ssl=1)
An official trailer has been released for the upcoming feature Radioflash, an apocalyptic survival thriller from IFC Midnight. The movie stars Brighton Sharbino and Dominic Monaghan as a girl and her father, who are trying to make their way to the safety of her grandfather (Will Patton) after the western United States loses all power, water, and communications. Click on over to the other side for more info on Radioflash, and to give the official trailer a watch.
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| ‘The Nightingale’: Official Trailer Released For Latest From ‘The Babadook’ Director Jennifer Kent![The Nightingale The Nightingale]()
An official trailer for The Nightingale has been released by IFC Films. The movie is the latest from Jennifer Kent, who wrote and directed the 2014 horror hit The Babadook. The Nightingale is a revenge tale starring Aisling Franciosi, who briefly played Lyanna Stark in the recently concluded Game of Thrones, and is set in early 1800s Australia. Sam Claflin, Baykali Ganambarr, Michael Sheasby, Damon Herriman, and Ewen Leslie also star. Continue below for a synopsis and to check out the trailer.
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| Official Trailer For Christmas Time Horror ‘I Trapped The Devil’ Released![I Trapped The Devil I Trapped The Devil]()
IFC Films has released an official trailer for the IFC Midnight title I Trapped the Devil. Set during Christmas time, it follows a man who makes a surprise visit to his brother only to discover that his brother has who he believes is the Devil locked in his basement. The movie is written and directed by Josh Lobo, who is making his debut, and stars AJ Bowen, Jocelin Donahue, Scott Poythress, Susan Burke, Chris Sullivan, Rowan Russell, and Josh Marrott. Click on over to the other side for an official synopsis for I Trapped the Devil, and to check out the trailer.
...continue reading » Tags: AJ Bowen, Chris Sullivan, I Trapped The Devil, IFC Films, IFC Midnight, Jocelin Donahue, Josh Lobo, Josh Marrott, Rowan Russell, Scott Poythress, Susan Burke | |
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| Trailer For Upcoming Ghost Movie ‘Our House’ Released![Our House Our House]()
IFC Films has released an official trailer for Our House, an upcoming ghost movie from IFC Midnight. The movie stars Thomas Mann, Percy Hynes White, Nicola Peltz, and Kate Moyer, and follows a young man who invents a machine which is capable of awakening the spirits of the dead. Click on over to the other side for a full synopsis for Our House, and to see the trailer along with a poster.
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| ‘The Catcher Was A Spy’ Trailer: Paul Rudd Stars As The Red Sox Catcher Who Became A WWII Spy![The Catcher Was A Spy The Catcher Was A Spy]()
An official trailer has been released for The Catcher Was a Spy, an espionage thriller From IFC Films. The movie is based on the book The Catcher Was A Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg by Nicholas Dawidoff, which tells the true story of Berg (played by Paul Rudd), a catcher for the Boston Red Sox who ended up becoming a spy during World War II. Continue below to read an official synopsis and to check out the new trailer.
...continue reading » Tags: Ben Lewin, Connie Nielsen, Guy Pearce, Hiroyuki Sanada, IFC Films, Jeff Daniels, Mark Strong, Nicholas Dawidoff, Paul Giamatti, Paul Rudd, Pierfrancesco Favino, Robert Rodat, Shea Whigham, Sienna Miller, The Catcher Was A Spy, Tom Wilkinson | |
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