| SDCC 2019: ’21 Bridges’ Trailer Sees Chadwick Boseman As An NYPD Detective Searching For The Truth![21 Bridges 21 Bridges](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/07/21-bridges-530x358.jpg?resize=530%2C358&ssl=1)
Though San Diego Comic-Con is reserved for mostly geeky things and nostalgia, sometimes, they like to throw a curveball or two. Take for instance, the Russo Brothers panel. Now, their panel could have been the two just reminiscing about their days toiling and perfecting the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While that was the case for a good portion of the panel, they also talked about some of the other projects they are working on, which includes a gritty police crime drama called 21 Bridges. The film stars Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther) as a NY detective who comes across a crime between two drug dealers and dirty cops. What will he do to get to the truth of it all? Shut down all exits and entrances, even if that means bridges, subways, and more? Check out the trailer for 21 Bridges below.
...continue reading » Tags: 21 Bridges, Anthony Russo, Brian Kirk, Chadwick Boseman, J.K Simmons, Joe Russo, Keith David, SDCC, SDCC 2019, Sienna Miller, Stephan James, STX Entertainment, Taylor Kitsch | |
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| ‘The Catcher Was A Spy’ Trailer: Paul Rudd Stars As The Red Sox Catcher Who Became A WWII Spy![The Catcher Was A Spy The Catcher Was A Spy]()
An official trailer has been released for The Catcher Was a Spy, an espionage thriller From IFC Films. The movie is based on the book The Catcher Was A Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg by Nicholas Dawidoff, which tells the true story of Berg (played by Paul Rudd), a catcher for the Boston Red Sox who ended up becoming a spy during World War II. Continue below to read an official synopsis and to check out the new trailer.
...continue reading » Tags: Ben Lewin, Connie Nielsen, Guy Pearce, Hiroyuki Sanada, IFC Films, Jeff Daniels, Mark Strong, Nicholas Dawidoff, Paul Giamatti, Paul Rudd, Pierfrancesco Favino, Robert Rodat, Shea Whigham, Sienna Miller, The Catcher Was A Spy, Tom Wilkinson | |
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| Watch: 6 Minute ‘Live By Night’ Featurette “The Price You Pay”![Ben Affleck's Live by Night Ben Affleck's Live by Night]()
For those looking forward to writer, director, and star Ben Affleck‘s latest drama Live by Night, a new featurette titled “The Price You Pay” has been released online. The featurette runs about six minutes in length and includes plenty of footage from the movie, as well as Affleck and others talking about the film, its story and its characters, and the cast. You can read much more about Live by Night and check out the new featurette below.
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| Final Trailer For Ben Affleck’s Prohibition Drama ‘Live By Night’ Released![Live by Night Warner Bros. Live by Night Warner Bros.]()
The official final trailer has been released for Live by Night, a Prohibition drama from Ben Affleck. Affleck writes, directs, and stars in the movie as a not entirely bad guy—the son of a police officer—living in a bad world—running alcohol during Prohibition. Also starring is Elle Fanning, Brendan Gleeson, Chris Messina, Sienna Miller, Zoe Saldana, and Chris Cooper. You can read much more about the movie in the official synopsis and watch the new trailer below.
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| Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Lizzy Caplan, and More On Shortlist To Play Domino In ‘Deadpool 2’![Deadpool 2 Domino Deadpool 2 Domino]()
Given how Deadpool was a huge success, it comes as no surprise that Fox is moving ahead with Deadpool 2. Those who stuck around for the after-credits sequence were given a small treat when the title character told the audience that Cable would be in the sequel. While details on who could play Cable are still sketchy, there is a new report saying who director Tim Miller has his eyes on to play the role of Domino. According to this new report, Lizzy Caplan (Masters of Sex), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (10 Cloverfield Lane), Sienna Miller (High Rise), Sofia Boutella (Star Trek Beyond), Stephanie Sigman (Spectre), and Sylvia Hoeks (Blade Runner 2049) are all on the shortlist to play Domino. More on the story below.
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