The Souls series of video games developed by From Software are known for a few things, most notable of which being their infuriating, unforgiving, may cause baldness level of difficulty.
Another much less maddening thing the games are known for is their phenomenal opening cinematics, which get you super excited to step up and become the bad ass you were born to be…before you ultimately end up deconstructing your controller via wall a few minutes later. But it makes the sense of accomplishment when you do overcome your greatest adversaries (I’m looking at you, Havel the Rock, you ass—you’re not even a real boss!) all the more satisfying, and that feeling is addictive enough to keep ’em coming back for more and more.
Dark Souls III is set to be released soon, and to help start getting folks pumped up for the game the opening cinematic has been released online (for those who don’t mind seeing it before actually playing the game). You can watch the video below.
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