| The Drill Down 585: TWR – Tweeting While Racist![Drill Down 585: TWR - Tweeting While Racist](https://i0.wp.com/thedrilldown.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/TDD-585.jpg?resize=530%2C277)
On this week’s The Drill Down podcast, POTUS‘ racist tweets, trouble for Facebook‘s new cryptocurrency and a $5 billion fine, Elon Musk vs. drug kingpins, tapping into the brain, and much more.
...continue reading » Tags: Apple, Calibra, Cryptocurrency, currency, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Facebook, Libra, Neuralink, Pablo Escobar, podcasts, President Trump, racism, Spotify, Tesla, The Boring Company, The Gardens Between, Twitter, Video Games, videogames | |
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| The Drill Down 563: Amazon’s Unexpected Package![Drill Down 563: Amazon's Unexpected Package](https://i0.wp.com/thedrilldown.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/TDD-563-1024x535.jpg?resize=530%2C277)
On this week’s The Drill Down podcast, Russia unplugs from the internet, Nintendo gives us more to switch for, President Trump supports artificial intelligence, Amazon looks for a new HQ, Jeff Bezos exposes Pecker … and much, much more.
...continue reading » Tags: AI, Amazon, Apple, Artificial Intelligence, Donald Trump, Eero, internet, iOS, Jeff Bezos, MacOS, Mars, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Enquirer, Nintendo, Nintendo Direct, Nintendo Switch, Opportunity, President Trump, rover, Russia, Space, The Legend of Zelda | |
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| The Drill Down 526: Polly Want A-Lexa!![drill down polly want alexa]()
This week’s The Drill Down podcast, does President Trump have a beef with Jeff Bezos? Amazon sells your face to law enforcement, Elon Musk drives journalists and reviewers crazy, a parrot who uses Amazon Echo (Alexa!) … and much, much more.
...continue reading » Tags: 2001 A Space Odyssey, Alexa, Amazon, Amazon Echo, distilleries, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, liquor, President Trump, Privacy, security, Space, SpaceX, Tesla, Tesla Model 3, US Postal Service, USPS | |
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| The Drill Down 509: CES 2018![CES 2018]()
On this week’s Drill Down podcast, Dwayne goes to CES 2018 and lives to tell the tale Google brings Pay together in one place, can white noise be copyright protected?… and much, much more.
...continue reading » Topics: Apps, CES, Computers, Conventions, Electronics, Features, Gadgets, Podcasts, Software, Technology, The Drill Down, Virtual Reality |
Tags: Android Pay, CES, Consumer Electronics Show, Donald Trump, Google, Google Pay, Google Wallet, Logan Paul, President Trump, Trump, Twitter, YouTube | |
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| Comic Spotlight: Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets Of Donald J. Trump![Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump header Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump header]()
Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets Of Donald J. Trump
Hardcover | Kindle
Story and Art by Shannon Wheeler
IDW Publishing | Top Shelf Productions
Release Date: August 15, 2017 In my world, as I’m sure it is in yours, when someone drops an LOL into a text or tweet, it is often because they have nothing else to say and want to let you know they saw it. In Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets Of Donald J. Trump, however, I absolutely laughed out loud. Maybe it was the tweets or maybe it was the hilarious illustrations from author Shannon Wheeler. But whatever it was, it had me in stitches.
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