It’s here! Finally! The first installment in the new Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition releases hits stores this month at an extremely enticing price point. And while some fans are hesitant to pick this up, grumbling that it’s all about the money, there are a lot of changes that are meant to draw in new player of all ages. And who doesn’t want to show the next generation of gamers what all the fuss is about? My friends, I present to you the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set!
I’m going to cover the content of this box set first, if you don’t mind (and if you do, that’s unfortunate because I’m doing it anyway). Included in this package is a concise 32-page rulebook that quickly covers the basics of how to play. Describing the major attributes of a character and how certain scores can bestow advantages and cause disadvantages, the beginning of the book is geared to the newbie.
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