Lumberjanes #1
Written by Noelle Stevenson and Grace Ellis
Illustrated by Brooke Allen
Colors by Maarta Laiho
Letters by Aubrey Aiese
Covers by Noelle Stevenson, Maddie Flores, Lauren Zuke
Boom! Studios
Release Date: April 9, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99
Have you ever picked something up strictly because of the title? Sometimes the name of a book or comic tells you right away what it’s about, whereas other times it’s a crap shoot. Well, I grabbed Lumberjanes #1 from the list based solely on the unique name. And I have to say, I’m glad I did.
The setting is summer camp and the protagonists are a group of young girls out after curfew. It’s hard to tell from the art if these young ladies are adolescents or teenagers. But one thing is for sure, they are pretty damn funny. For instance, there’s a scene that feels like it was lifted from Charlie’s Angels where they are posing right before some asskickery begins.
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