![Magic Mike Header Magic Mike Header]()
Just weeks after his 2012 film Magic Mike hit theaters, Channing Tatum confirmed that a sequel was in the works, with plans to make the follow-up bigger.
With a Magic Mike XXL trailer expected later today, the hunky G.I. JOE actor posted an image of the film’s first poster to this Twitter account yesterday. The poster shows off a shirtless Tatum and his six-pack ads, but centers on his crotch area, where he points to the words “COMING” – coming to theaters, that is.
Along with Tatum returning as the titular stripper, Matt Bomer, Joe Manganiello, Kevin Nash, Adam Rodriguez, and Gabriel Iglesias will all be reprising their roles, with franchise newcomers Jada Pinkett Smith, Andie MacDowell, Elizabeth Banks, Donald Glover, and Amber Heard signing on for the ride this time around. Matthew McConaughey, who, in the first film, played a former stripper who owned the Florida club where Mike works, will sit out this dance.
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