Paramount Pictures has released the first trailer for Darren Aronofsky‘s Noah. The film is based on the biblical story of Noah, who built a giant ark and saved two of every animal and his family, while the rest of the world was purged by the Great Flood. The difference is that Noah is seen more as a builder in the Bible and Aronofsky is depicting the Biblical figure as a warrior. While this is the first time that the general public has seen footage, the trailer features footage that was presented at various religious conferences throughout the country.
There has been some conflict with Aronofsky and Paramount about the final edit of the film though. Test screenings have not been favorable, but those who have seen the film at religious conferences would probably tell you differently. Paramount has invested a fair amount of cash into Noah, which could turn out to be an epic hit or an epic failure depending on who gets the final cut. Hit the jump to see the trailer.
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