Each and every week “Mr. I Look Good In A Suit” MK2Fac3 and “Mr. I Look Good In A Plastic Incredible Hulk Mask” Henchman21 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible…theoretically. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of February 8, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
I’ve really got nothing fun or interesting to tell you this week. I mean, I had a job interview, but who cares about that? You’re here for comics! And boy let me tell you, there are a whole lot of comics to talk about this week. So, let’s skip this intro and get to the meat of the week. Ladies and gentlemen, I present…The GoD List!
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