| The Drill Down 441: The Big Payback![The Drill Down 441](https://i0.wp.com/www.thedrilldown.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/TDD_441.jpg?resize=530%2C277&ssl=1)
On this week’s podcast, join former The Drill Down co-host Tom Cheredar as we discuss Spotify buries musicians who aren’t exclusive, Facebook kills the Trending Topics team, what to expect from Apple, is there a spy in your iPhone? How the Clinton Campaign is foiling the Kremlin, and have the Russians hacked U.S. voting systems? …and much, much more!
...continue reading » Topics: Apps, Computers, Electronics, Features, Gadgets, Podcasts, Science, Software, Space, Technology, The Drill Down |
Tags: AI, AirPods, Apple, Apple Music, apps, Artificial Intelligence, Cowboy Bebop, Edward Snowden, Facebook, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Gadgets, gaming, Hackers, Hacking, Hillary Clinton, IBM, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Macbook, malware, Mars, Morgan, music streaming, NASA, Neon Genesis Evangelion, News, PlayStation Now, Privacy, Science, SONOS, Space, Spotify, Tom Cheredar, Trending Topics, Video Games, videogames, watson, WhatsApp | |
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| Official Trailer For Sci-Fi Thriller ‘Morgan’ Released![Morgan Movie Trailer Morgan Movie Trailer]()
An official trailer for the upcoming science fiction thriller Morgan has been released by 20th Century Fox. We saw a teaser trailer for the movie just last month. The movie comes from first time feature director Luke Scott, the son of Ridley Scott (who is a producer on the project). It stars Kate Mara (The Martian, House of Cards), Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch, Atlantis), Toby Jones (Captain America, The Hunger Games), Rose Leslie (Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey), Boyd Holbrook (Narcos, Jane Got a Gun), Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Sunshine), Jennifer Jason Leigh (The Hateful Eight, Fast Times at Ridgemont High), and Paul Giamatti (Sideways, Cinderella Man).
...continue reading » Tags: Anya Taylor-Joy, Boyd Holbrook, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Kate Mara, Luke Scott, michelle yeoh, Morgan, Paul Giamatti, Ridley Scott, Rose Leslie, Toby Jones | |
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| Trailer For ‘Morgan’ From Luke Scott, His Father Ridley Scott![Morgan from Luke Scott, Ridley Scott Morgan from Luke Scott, Ridley Scott]()
20th Century Fox has released a teaser trailer for a new sci-fi thriller titled Morgan. The movie is the feature directorial debut of Luke Scott, who is the son of Alien and Blade Runner director Ridley Scott. Ridley is also involved in the project as a producer. You can read a brief description of Morgan and see the teaser trailer and a poster for the movie below.
...continue reading » Tags: Anya Taylor-Joy, Boyd Holbrook, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Kate Mara, Luke Scott, michelle yeoh, Morgan, Paul Giamatti, Ridley Scott, Rose Leslie, Toby Jones | |
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