| Comic Review: Witchblade #185 (Series Finale)
Witchblade #185
Chapter One:
Written by Ron Marz
Art by Abhishek Malsuni
Inked by Zsolt H. Garisa
Colors by Neeraj Menon, Nanjan Jamberi
Letters by Troy Peteri Chapter Two:
Written by Matt Hawkins
Art by Michael Turner, Stjepan Sejic, Linda Sejic, Isaac Goodhart, Phillip Sevy, Nelson Blake II, Randy Green
Inked by D-Tron
Colors by J.D. Smith & Bill Farmer
Letters by Troy Peteri Cover A by Michael Turner & Brian Haberlin
Cover B by Keu Cha, D-Tron, & Steve Firchow
Covers C & D by Stjepan Sejic
Top Cow Productions, Inc.
Release Date: November 25, 2015
Cover Price: $5.99 NOOOOOOOOO!!!! That was my first reaction upon hearing the news that one of my longest-running addictions was coming to an end. And during its twentieth anniversary year, no less. What horrible thing did I do to earn such a cruel punishment?! How can Witchblade #185 be the end?
...continue reading » Tags: Abhishek Malsuni, Bill Farmer, Brian Haberlin, D-Tron, Isaac Goodhart, J.D. Smith, Keu Cha, Linda Sejic, Matt Hawkins, Michael Turner, Nanjan Jamberi, Neeraj Menon, Nelson Blake II, Phillip Sevy, Randy Green, Ron Marz, Steve Firchow, Stjepan Sejic, Top Cow, Troy Peteri, Witchblade, Zsolt H. Garisa | |
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| Comic Review: The 7th Sword #1 |
The 7th Sword #1
Created and Written by John Raffo
Pencils and Inks by Nelson Blake II
Colors by Dave McCaig
Letters by Troy Peteri
IDW Publishing
Release Date: April 23, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99 What do you get when you cross a samurai with a planet that is constantly in the midst of civil war? Why, you get The 7th Sword #1, of course! On what appears to be a world somewhat akin to Dune, we have a warrior (now ronin) who was left behind with not much more than his sword and his wits. This is the first of seven issues that account for the actions of Daniel Cray and his deadly sword called a Malathane. Having been left behind on Helios when the army with which he was serving retreated, Cray found himself doing odd mercenary jobs for survival. After an accident left him stranded and lost, he was rescued by a group living in the mythical ZenZion who think him the enemy. After the true villains attack, he finds himself defending this oasis…all the while still suspect. There’s a lot more to the story but suffice to say you’ll need to read it to stay on top of everything that’s going on here. This first issue is setting up the rest of the miniseries so it feels incomplete on many levels, but that’s to be expected, I suppose.
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| Comic Review: Witchblade: Day Of The OutlawsWitchblade: Day of the Outlaws
Written by Joshua Hale Fialkov
Art by Nelson Blake II and Dave McCaig
Cover by Nelson Blake II and Dave McCaig
Top Cow Productions, Inc.
Release Date: April 17, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99 Though Witchblade has been an active title of Top Cow Productions since 1995, I’ve never actually read an issue before. I wouldn’t say that I wasn’t interested “” heck, the premise of a woman physically bonding with a supernatural, sentient artifact of great power sounds awesome “” I suppose that I just never got around to taking the leap. This week, Top Cow has come out with a one-shot issue called Witchblade: Day of the Outlaws, written by Joshua Hale Fialkov and illustrated by Nelson Blake II and Dave McCaig. For a first-time reader like myself, this is a perfect place to delve into the mythos and get psyched about what’s come before and what lies ahead.
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| Comic Review: The Magdalena #12 |
The Magdalena #12
Written by Ron Marz
Pencils by Nelson Blake II and David Marquez
Inks by Sal Regla and David Marquez
Colors by Dave McCaig
Letters by Troy Peteri
Cover by Nelson Blake II, Sal Regla and Dave McCaig
Top Cow Productions
Release Date: May 23, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99 I’m a sucker for a strong, badass heroine. I’m not talking some woman that is half-dressed and somehow managing to pose with her boobs and bum in full effect (though, as a pre-teen, that might have been the case, just sayin’). I’m talking about a well written, driven character that shows purpose in her actions and is in it for the long haul. Well, The Magdalena #12 gives us just such a person. Patience is, for all intents and purposes, not a big fan of the church with which she is so deeply affiliated. They have lied and betrayed her and her friends many times over. But as she is the official bearer of the Spear of Destiny, she is sort of stuck with them to some extent. She is also discovering that not everyone in the church follows blindly, there are others that continue to work for the greater good regardless of the intent behind the orders they are given. Kristof is one such person and one that she finds herself trusting in spite of her fears.
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| Comic Review: The Magdalena #11 |
The Magdalena #11
Written by Ron Marz
Pencils by Nelson Blake II and David Marquez
Inks by Sal Regla and David Marquez
Color by Dave McCaig
Letters by Troy Peteri
Cover by Nelson Blake II, Sal Regla and Dave McCaig
Top Cow Productions, Inc.
Release Date: March 7, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99 I have been a fan of Top Cow comics for years, unfortunately I have never had the chance to read this series before. Lucky for me, though, Dave3 sent the first ten issues to catch me up for The Magdalena #11. Like most comics from this company, it rocks! Plus, in this issue, we have Sara Pezzini… you know, the freaking Witchblade! Our story for this issue revolves around Patience (The Magdalena) and Kristof (a Vatican agent) searching for not only a piece of the one true Cross, but also for the freshly stolen Spear of Destiny. Knowing she needed help, Patience contacted Sara for assistance. Not just the bearer of the Witchblade, Sara is also a detective… and pretty handy to have around.
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