| Comic Review: The Joyners in 3D |
The Joyners in 3D
Story by R.J. Ryan
Art by David Marquez
Archaia Entertainment
Release Date: February 25, 2014
Cover Price: $29.95
To his colleagues and devoted followers, George Joyner is a brilliant inventor with bold, innovative ideas that could revolutionize the way we travel and change the world as we know it. But to his long-suffering family he is a mercurial figure, an aloof father figure and distant husband unable to establish any genuine emotional bond with the loved ones once crucial to his public relations-friendly image as a wonderful family man. As his billionaire employer Quattrone prepares to launch his latest top secret invention – a creation that the company’s rivals would pay handsomely and break every law in the book to get their grimy hands on – George finds his family slowly breaking away from him. His estranged wife Sonya wants to take her terminally ill father David to see a renowned (and expensive) Indian medicine man at Yellowstone National Park in the hope that his life can be saved, while his son Rochester maintains a brave and calm front in the face of his family’s complete disentegration. The only person who has not given up on George yet is his autistic daughter Michelle. When Sonya and Rochester leave to take David on what could be his final trip George begins a relationship with Michelle’s longtime behavior counselor Jamie. His attempts to salvage what remains of his personal life will result in greater consequences than he could have ever imagined.
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| Comic Review: Ultimate Spider-Man, Vol. 2 #18-19 |
By Da7e
| January 7th, 2013 at 6:30 pm |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #18
Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils/Inks by David Marquez
Colors by Justin Ponsor
Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Happy 2013, Ultimate Spider-fans. I’m pairing the latest issues of Ultimate Spider-Man together, having given us Marvel 616-Universe fans some time to mourn for Peter Parker (or Peter Parker’s… life… force?). The transition from Amazing to Superior Spider-Man in Amazing Spider-Man #700 went better than the previous transition from Peter Parker to Ben Reilly after the ‘Clone Saga’, but wasn’t as elegant an exit as Brian Michael Bendis‘ one for Ultimate Peter Parker. Dying in Aunt May’s arms after saving his loved ones is better than dying in the body of an enemy and just giving up and moving to the west coast. The change of primary universe status quo, plus some extra time and the issuing of Ultimate Spider-Man #19 didn’t go well for issue #18. I’ve already blew my wad about how Miles Morales didn’t belong in the ‘Divided We Fall’ event because I thought we were going to get away from all that and discover what Spider-Woman had to tell Miles about their relationship. However, for some reason I can’t put my finger on, we get one more installment in the crossover with Miles wandering around empty fields and fighting a Giant Woman.
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| Comic Review: Ultimate Spider-Man, Vol. 2 #16.1 |
By Da7e
| October 31st, 2012 at 1:59 pm |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #16.1
Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils/Inks by David Marquez
Colors by Justin Ponsor
Marvel Comics
Release Date: October 31, 2012
Cover Price: $2.99
The whole idea of Marvel “Point One” books is to give new readers a place where they can enter the Marvel timeline. These stories are ongoing and complex, so even though each issue essentially has a “Previously on” page that fills you in on the character and storyline, it’s not going to mention all the nuance that has come before. And “nuance” is what makes Ultimate Spider-Man Volume 2 one of the best things going in comics right now. As you and I progress through the series every couple of weeks, I’ll try to bring up what makes this character special to me (and it’s not his race, even though I’m happy there’s nothing Aryan in him – if you want Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, jump on Uncanny X-Men), hopefully organically. There won’t be a lot of discussion of Miles from this issue, a “Point One” that is supposed to provide an entry point for those readers who wanted to give Ultimate Spider-Man some time before investing in a comic that might not last a year.
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| Comic Review: The Magdalena #12 |
The Magdalena #12
Written by Ron Marz
Pencils by Nelson Blake II and David Marquez
Inks by Sal Regla and David Marquez
Colors by Dave McCaig
Letters by Troy Peteri
Cover by Nelson Blake II, Sal Regla and Dave McCaig
Top Cow Productions
Release Date: May 23, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
I’m a sucker for a strong, badass heroine. I’m not talking some woman that is half-dressed and somehow managing to pose with her boobs and bum in full effect (though, as a pre-teen, that might have been the case, just sayin’). I’m talking about a well written, driven character that shows purpose in her actions and is in it for the long haul. Well, The Magdalena #12 gives us just such a person. Patience is, for all intents and purposes, not a big fan of the church with which she is so deeply affiliated. They have lied and betrayed her and her friends many times over. But as she is the official bearer of the Spear of Destiny, she is sort of stuck with them to some extent. She is also discovering that not everyone in the church follows blindly, there are others that continue to work for the greater good regardless of the intent behind the orders they are given. Kristof is one such person and one that she finds herself trusting in spite of her fears.
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| Comic Review: The Magdalena #11 |
The Magdalena #11
Written by Ron Marz
Pencils by Nelson Blake II and David Marquez
Inks by Sal Regla and David Marquez
Color by Dave McCaig
Letters by Troy Peteri
Cover by Nelson Blake II, Sal Regla and Dave McCaig
Top Cow Productions, Inc.
Release Date: March 7, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
I have been a fan of Top Cow comics for years, unfortunately I have never had the chance to read this series before. Lucky for me, though, Dave3 sent the first ten issues to catch me up for The Magdalena #11. Like most comics from this company, it rocks! Plus, in this issue, we have Sara Pezzini… you know, the freaking Witchblade! Our story for this issue revolves around Patience (The Magdalena) and Kristof (a Vatican agent) searching for not only a piece of the one true Cross, but also for the freshly stolen Spear of Destiny. Knowing she needed help, Patience contacted Sara for assistance. Not just the bearer of the Witchblade, Sara is also a detective… and pretty handy to have around.
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