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Trailer For First-Person Zombie Flick ‘Pandemic’
The Movie God   |  @   |  

Pandemic Zombie Movie Trailer

A new trailer has been released for Pandemic, yet another zombie flick added to the ocean of them that already exist. But if you’re like me and never really tire of the zombie sub-genre, it might be one worth checking out. This is especially true for fellow gamers, as the movie is presented mostly from the first-person perspective.

Basically the movie looks like that other first-person movie we’ve seen, Hardcore, with a zombie twist to it. You can read more about Pandemic and check out the trailer for the movie below.

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Summit’s ‘Alex Cross’ Hitting In October
Cinemumra   |  

Tyler Perry

A fan of Tyler Perry, but don’t like to watch him direct a film? Then 2012 will apparently be your year. Or at least this October will be a far more interesting month for you.

According to ComingSoon, Summit has announced that their upcoming film, Alex Cross, will hit theaters on October 26. The film stars Perry, Matthew Fox, Rachel Nichols, and Ed Burns, and follows the story of a “homicide detective/psychologist (Perry) as he meets his match in a serial killer (Fox). The two face off in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, but when the mission gets personal, Cross is pushed to the edge of his moral and psychological limits in this taut and exciting action thriller.”

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Digital Rental Deal: ‘Conan The Barbarian’ (2011) For $.99
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

Conan The Barbarian

The digital rental deal of the day over at Amazon today is Conan The Barbarian (2011) for only $.99.

This deal is valid only for today, Wednesday, January 10, 2012, until 11:59pm PST. Once you activate the rental through Amazon’s Instant Video on demand service, you’ll have access to the movie for 24 hours. If you’re interested in purchasing the digital version, the cost is $14.99.

Also, if you’d like to own a physical copy of Conan The Barbarian, the 3D Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack is available for $23.49 while the DVD is $16.99. The Blu-ray edition is part of Amazon’s “Buy This DVD and Watch it Instantly” program “” you get the film as a FREE digital rental you can watch immediately when your purchase the physical copy.

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Movie Review: Conan The Barbarian
cGt2099   |  

Conan The BarbarianConan The Barbarian
Directed by Marcus Nispel
Starring: Jason Momoa, Leo Howard, Rachel Nichols, Stephen Lang, Rose McGowan, Ron Perlman
Release Date: August 19, 2011

Director Marcus Nispel has most undoubtedly taken on quite the challenge in the new Conan The Barbarian film. Consider to begin with, the original Robert E. Howard stories, followed by the additional work by subsequent authors over the years. Moreover, there’s the legend of Conan depicted in comics, perhaps most memorably in The Savage Sword Of Conan. But the biggest challenge facing Nispel is probably the unforgettable film version portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger and directed by John Milius. The 1980’s Conan pervaded mainstream pop culture and left quite an impact, and the original film is still considered by some fans with reverence.

Having said all that, Nispel along with the writers of the latest Conan The Barbarian have released a film that will most likely please the fans of the Conan books and comics, but may disappoint those whose only experience with the Cimmerian warrior has been through Schwarzenegger’s depiction. The new movie, for all intents and purposes, is an origin tale and begins with narration from (believe it or not) Morgan Freeman. Conan is born on the battlefield, in a gruesome birth sequence that would easily be the fastest Caesarian procedure by sword captured on film. He is raised under the watchful eye of his father, Corin (Ron Perlman), learning the ways of the warrior and the tradition of the Cimmerian Barbarians.

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New ‘Conan The Barbarian’ Poster Released
The Movie God   |  @   |  

A brand new poster for the Marcus Nispel (Friday the 13th, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) remake of the 1982 Arnold Schwarzenegger title, Conan the Barbarian, has been released online.

The movie stars Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones) as the barbarian hero, as well as Rachel Nichols (G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra), Stephen Lang (Avatar), Rose McGowan (Scream), Saïd Taghmaoui (Vantage Point), and Ron Perlman (Hellboy).

If you haven’t seen the trailer for Conan the Barbarian yet, you can see it right here at Geeks of Doom, and you can click on over to the other side now to check out the new poster.

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