Numbercruncher #1
Written by Si Spurrier
Art by PJ Holden
Colored by Jordie Bellaire
Lettered by Simon Bowland
Covers by Simon Parr
Titan Comics
Release Date: July 17, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Numbercruncher #1 is an extremely well-written comic. The writing flows well, and reads better than most other comics I have read. The story is a little boring, more so because it seems more like a prologue than its own story.
The main character, Bastard Zane, hates it in the afterlife. He works for the karmic accountancy. The afterlife is all about numbers, and the Divine Calculator, Zane’s boss, keeps it running smoothly. This is done by maintaining the smooth running of a “re-circulation” of souls, reincarnation.
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