![NYCC 2012: Barry Levinson's The Bay Panel NYCC 2012: Barry Levinson's The Bay Panel]()
Barry Levinson, the Oscar-winning director who has been a cinematic jack of all trades for decades in the film industry, spanning genres with films like Diner, Rain Man, Good Morning Vietnam, Wag the Dog and the doomed from the start fantasy yarn Toys, dips his director’s cap into the supernatural well with The Bay, which was showcased in a panel on Saturday at the IGN Theater at New York Comic-Con.
The Bay, a seemingly compelling cover-up tale starring Kristen Connolly from Cabin in the Woods, speaks of a small town that buried what really happened when over 700 people perished during a tragedy that occurred years earlier. An investigative reporter tries to unlock the airtight sealing of the cover up, and in 24 hours, tries to unravel the mystery of the quotient with testimonials by people who were there, using eclectic and unorthodox methods as iPhone video recordings, Androids, and webcams to illustrate the events to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
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