![Doctor Who Doctor Who]()
It’s less than two weeks until Series 6 of Doctor Who kicks off worldwide on television screens, and it’s getting to be a very exciting time to be a fan of the Time Lord. BBC and BBC America have released a whole bunch of new photos from the new season — including a sneak peak of the new creepy villain the Doctor will be facing in the opening two episodes, The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon.
On top of that, new photos released by the BBC to media outlets give fans more previews of upcoming shows, including the “pirate” episode Curse of the Black Spot, the Neil Gaiman-penned The Doctor’s Wife, and confirmation (finally!) of the return of a classic villain. You can view the images at the bottom of this post.
Bear in mind, the photos (as well as the rest of the content of this post) could be considered spoilers — so consider to have been alerted!
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