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New Images & Spoilers For ‘Doctor Who’ Series 6
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Doctor Who

It’s less than two weeks until Series 6 of Doctor Who kicks off worldwide on television screens, and it’s getting to be a very exciting time to be a fan of the Time Lord. BBC and BBC America have released a whole bunch of new photos from the new season — including a sneak peak of the new creepy villain the Doctor will be facing in the opening two episodes, The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon.

On top of that, new photos released by the BBC to media outlets give fans more previews of upcoming shows, including the “pirate” episode Curse of the Black Spot, the Neil Gaiman-penned The Doctor’s Wife, and confirmation (finally!) of the return of a classic villain. You can view the images at the bottom of this post.

Bear in mind, the photos (as well as the rest of the content of this post) could be considered spoilers — so consider to have been alerted!

Silence Will FallThe new villains popping up in the opening episodes of Series 6 are known as The Silents, continuing the “Silence Will Fall” (or is that now “Silents Will Fall”?) story arc from the previous season. It’s believed that The Silents have the ability to wipe a person’s memory of them after they have been seen, creating a considerable complication for the Doctor and his companions.

This series also sees the return of the Cybermen… and by the looks of things, they’re based on the original Cybermen from the classic series, and not the “Cybus-men” introduced during David Tennant’s reign as the Doctor.

In addition to these recent revelations, there is a lot of fan speculation floating around on the web at the moment with regards to the upcoming broadcasts, so if you’re a spoiler-addict like myself, it’s an awesome time to be a Doctor Who fan on the web.

Having said that though, there are a lot of questions still unanswered as well. Who is the enigmatic River Song? One of the main characters will die in the opening episodes — but who will it be? What role did the Silents play with the Pandorica and Cracks in Time from the previous season? Why does Steven Moffat create such adventures that make my brain explode?

With Doctor Who, it seems, it’s not a case of “time will tell,” but more a case of “time may tell in a completely different order if Moffat wants it to”…

Doctor Who Series 6 launches worldwide on BBC UK and BBC America on April 23. Matt Smith will be reprising his incarnation of the Eleventh Doctor, and will be joined by companions Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams, and Alex Kingston as River Song.


[Sources: BBC America | The Daily Mail | Digital Spy]


  1. i have seen it, and they die but they are not gone. it is a huge character. i went to the premiere in NY and i loved it.

    Comment by dd1221 — April 16, 2011 @ 11:45 pm

  2. hello I ‘m wondering who river song might have killed any ideas

    Comment by Mattbritt — April 17, 2011 @ 7:23 pm

  3. okay okay so i know this probably isn’t the best place to put it but I have just noticed something. every time the doctor and river meet and the doctor tries to get information about his future she says “Spoilers” but at the start of the episode “silence in the library” when Donna picks up a book the doctor says it and Donna says “isn’t travelling with you one big spoiler” now this is before river song is even on the scene and I know people say “IT CANT BE DONNA REGENERATED BECAUSE SHE WOULD REMEMBERER HER DEATH” but just think for a second if during the meta-crisis she gained the power to regenerate and she remembered everything and her mind started to burn but she regenerated to stop it however losing her memory. couldn’t it be possible that a few things could slip through like, for instance “Spoilers” as in the recent series “nothing is forgotten”. now i know this is very unlikely but it would answer a few things. the first being that river is human so is Donna and the second well this may just be me but at times they do act very similar. ah well as i said this is very unlikely just thought id mention it :)

    Comment by RE-Tardis — April 17, 2011 @ 7:41 pm

  4. Interesting. Never thought of that. Don’t think so though. I really don’t think Donna’s anything like River and I couldn’t see Donna killing anyone with no mercy, even a Dalek.

    Comment by Dr#10Fan — April 19, 2011 @ 4:26 am

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