| Gamescom 2019: New ‘Watch Dogs: Legion’ Video Explains “Play As Anyone”![Watch Dogs: Legion Watch Dogs: Legion]()
Ubisoft has released a new promo for Watch Dogs: Legion, the third entry in the third-person hacker-shooter series. The video is a new one explaining the “Play as Anyone” mechanic. If the character you’re playing as in the game dies, it is permanent. But with this mechanic, you can choose anyone else in the world to continue playing as. You can check out this new Watch Dogs: Legion video below, along with much more info on the game and a couple of previously released bonus videos for anyone who hasn’t seen them.
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| E3 2019: ‘Watch Dogs 3’ World Premiere Trailer and Gameplay Walkthrough![space]() |
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![Watch Dogs: Legion Watch Dogs: Legion]()
Ubisoft just finished their E3 2019 showcase, during which they shared the first look at Watch Dogs 3, which is titled Watch Dogs: Legion. And as we’re used to seeing with this series—for better or for worse—the game is certainly ambitious. Watch Dogs: Legion shifts things over to London in the near future, where the people are being oppressed and a growing resistance is fighting back. But the ambitious part is that the game will apparently allow you recruit anyone into your group of resistance fighters, each having their own backstory. And if while playing as one of your characters you choose to engage in lethal combat and end up getting killed, it is a permanent death. This then forces you to choose someone else to play as, and continue on with your objectives. To show off this mechanic an 11-minute gameplay walkthrough has been released along with a world premiere trailer. You can read more about Watch Dogs: Legion and watch the two videos below.
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| E3 2016: ‘Watch Dogs 2’ Gameplay Demo & New Trailer![Watch Dogs 2 Watch Dogs 2]()
We just got our first look at Watch Dogs 2 exactly one week ago, but as promised Ubisoft still had more to share during their E3 2016 presentation earlier this week. Along with a new trailer for the game the first full gameplay demo, which runs about 11 minutes long, has also been released. The demo shows a little bit more of the San Francisco Bay area you’ll get to go hacker crazy in this time around, as well as one of the missions you’ll take on. Check out the gameplay demo and new trailer below.
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| First Look: ‘Watch Dogs 2’ Gameplay and More![Watch Dogs 2 Watch Dogs 2]()
As promised when the game was confirmed recently, Ubisoft has officially introduced the world of Watch Dogs 2 to the masses. For our first look at the game, a lengthy 18 minute featurette has been released that talks in depth about the sequel, the world its set in, some of the things you can do and hack, and much more. The video also includes a cinematic reveal trailer, a main character introduction trailer, and plenty of gameplay peeks as well. You can watch the full video below.
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| ‘Watch Dogs 2’ Confirmed By Ubisoft Ahead Of E3 2016![Watch Dogs 2 Watch Dogs 2]()
It’s the week before E3 2016 and, as usual, some are anxious to start the party a little early. One of the hits of the party back at E3 2012 was a game called Watch Dogs. It was unlike anything we’d ever seen at the time, and, to our collective disappointment, didn’t come close to reaching the expectations set by that first gameplay demo. But the success of the first game isn’t stopping Ubisoft from giving it another go. They’ve released a video confirming Watch Dogs 2, which can be seen below.
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