| Two New ‘Zoolander 2’ Posters Released![Zoolander 2 At The Paris Fashion Week Zoolander 2 At The Paris Fashion Week](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2015/03/zoolander-2-runway-07-530x352.jpg?resize=530%2C352&ssl=1)
Back in early August we saw the first teaser trailer for Zoolander 2, the follow-up to the 2001 Ben Stiller fashion model comedy. A pair of new posters have now been released for the sequel, featuring Stiller in a cologne ad and Stiller and Owen Wilson showing off the phones they’ve upgraded to from the tiny flip phones they were using 14 years ago. Click on over to the other side now to check out the posters.
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| Watch The ‘Zoolander 2’ Trailer! (Video)![Zoolander 2 At The Paris Fashion Week Zoolander 2 At The Paris Fashion Week]()
Paramount Pictures released the trailer to Zoolander 2 today, in response to the online leak yesterday. About a minute and a half, the trailer ponders the mysteries of the universe as narrated by someone who sounds suspiciously like Stephen Hawking, going from the Big Bang to the evolution of the human brain, which looks like it includes hair dryers and mermen (from the first film). Check out the teaser trailer below.
...continue reading » Tags: Ben Stiller, Christine Taylor, Fred Armisen, Justin Theroux, Kristen Wiig, Olivia Munn, Owen Wilson, Paramount Pictures, Penélope Cruz, Zoolander, Zoolander 2 | |
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| The Drill Down 367: Spring Forward!![Apple Spring Forward The Drill Down]()
This week on The Drill Down podcast, Tosin and Andy are once more joined by Greg Davies (from TARDISBlend, Blendover, and Heavy Metal Historian podcasts) as we discuss: Gigaom says goodbye, Wikimedia stands up against the NSA, Apple‘s big Spring event, Marvel‘s Daredevil comes to Netflix… You know who ya gonna call!!
...continue reading » Tags: Apple, Apple Watch, Central Intellegence Agency, CIA, compression, Dardevil, Defenders, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2, Gigaom, HBO Now, headphones, iPhone, Macbook, Marvel, MOGG, National Security Agency, Netflix, NSA, Ogg Vorbis, Om Malik, Raspberry Pi, ResearchKit, stuxnet, USB, USB-C, Wikimedia, Zoolander, Zoolander 2 | |
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| ‘Zoolander 2’: Derek Zoolander and Hansel At Paris Fashion Week (Photos)![Zoolander 2 At The Paris Fashion Week Zoolander 2 At The Paris Fashion Week]()
Who better to make a grand appearance at Valentino’s show in Paris for Paris Fashion Week than Derek Zoolander and Hansel walking down the runway to announce the start of filming and the release date for Zoolander 2, the sequel to the 2001 comedy Zoolander. The massive fashion event had Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson reprise their respective male model characters for a long-awaited reunion. Pretty smart marketing from Paramount Pictures to get the two actors involved in Fashion Week in Paris. Hit the jump to check out some of the photos.
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| The Digital Wire Blu-ray/DVD Release News: Sin, Simpsons, Stallone![Sin City A Dame To Kill For Mickey Rourke as Marv Sin City A Dame To Kill For Mickey Rourke as Marv]()
Welcome to another shiny new edition of The Digital Wire! Despite that exuberant fanfare, I am sad to announce that this week has been mighty slim in the realm of Blu-ray and DVD release news and the titles we have to report on won’t get much interest as they are all part of tired franchises, but one of the purposes of this feature is to give such titles the space they deserve. Besides, you may be interested in one or more of them. Below you’ll find info on several future home video releases complete with technical specs, release dates, and links to pre-order at Amazon. We would greatly appreciate it if you use those links to order because a small percentage of each order helps keep this website running at max power. The cover art for certain titles has yet to be finalized.
...continue reading » Tags: Blu-ray, Dracula, DVD, Fargo, Frank Miller, Kelsey Grammer, New Releases, Penny Dreadful, Release Dates, Robert Rodriguez, Sin City, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, Steven Spielberg, Sylvester Stallone, The Digital Wire, The Expendables, The Expendables 3, The Simpsons, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Zoolander | |
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