| TV Series Based On Frank Miller’s ‘Sin City’ Being Developed![Frank Miller's Sin City Frank Miller's Sin City](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2017/05/sin-city-dark-horse-530x327.jpg?resize=530%2C327&ssl=1)
Our time in Basin City might not be over just yet. It’s being reported that a TV series based on Frank Miller‘s comic Sin City is now being developed. The TV series is being developed by The Weinstein Company and Dimension, based on a take from writer Glen Mazzara. Mazzara created TV series like Crash and the show based on The Omen, Damien. He’s also the former showrunner of The Walking Dead, and wrote and produced episodes of The Shield, Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, Hawthorne, and more.
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| Valentine’s Day 2015: Top 10 Best Geek Movie Romances![Star Wars The Empires Strikes Back Han and Leia kiss Star Wars The Empires Strikes Back Han and Leia kiss]()
Ah Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air, card and chocolate companies make millions, and we get an influx of The Notebook – Sleepless in Seattle – Titanic-y movies. And those are ok. I’m not knocking them. Although I haven’t seen the first two, I definitely saw Titanic 37 times, and can never manage to change the channel if my remote happens to land on a channel when it’s on (even with commercials). We all love love. But there are some unsung heroes in romance land. Lovely couples, trapped inside some of the coolest movies out there, destined to never or barely be mentioned on such a loving list. You may agree or disagree, or we may agree to disagree, but here are my stand-outs. I’ll probably think of 12 more after the article is published. Without further ado….here are my picks for the Top 10 Best Geek Movie Romances (in no particular order):
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| The Digital Wire Blu-ray/DVD Release News: Sin, Simpsons, Stallone![Sin City A Dame To Kill For Mickey Rourke as Marv Sin City A Dame To Kill For Mickey Rourke as Marv]()
Welcome to another shiny new edition of The Digital Wire! Despite that exuberant fanfare, I am sad to announce that this week has been mighty slim in the realm of Blu-ray and DVD release news and the titles we have to report on won’t get much interest as they are all part of tired franchises, but one of the purposes of this feature is to give such titles the space they deserve. Besides, you may be interested in one or more of them. Below you’ll find info on several future home video releases complete with technical specs, release dates, and links to pre-order at Amazon. We would greatly appreciate it if you use those links to order because a small percentage of each order helps keep this website running at max power. The cover art for certain titles has yet to be finalized.
...continue reading » Tags: Blu-ray, Dracula, DVD, Fargo, Frank Miller, Kelsey Grammer, New Releases, Penny Dreadful, Release Dates, Robert Rodriguez, Sin City, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, Steven Spielberg, Sylvester Stallone, The Digital Wire, The Expendables, The Expendables 3, The Simpsons, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Zoolander | |
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| ‘Sin City: A Dame To Kill For’ Red Band Comic-Con Trailer Has Blood, Bullets, and Badass Ladies![Sin City A Dame To Kill For Mickey Rourke as Marv Sin City A Dame To Kill For Mickey Rourke as Marv]()
Over the weekend Dimension Films brought their all-star comic book noir sequel Sin City: A Dame to Kill For to the San Diego Comic-Con for a panel with director Robert Rodriguez, Sin City creator/writer/artist Frank Miller, and several of the film’s stars in attendance. In addition to the celebrity presence some new footage was screened, including an extended red band trailer. That trailer is now online for all to behold. You can watch it here below.
...continue reading » Tags: Bruce Willis, Dennis Haysbert, Dimension Films, Frank Miller, Jamie Chung, Jamie King, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin, Lady Gaga, Mickey Rourke, Powers Boothe, Ray Liotta, Robert Rodriguez, Rosario Dawson, San Diego Comic Con, SDCC, SDCC 14, Sin City, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, Stacy Keach | |
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| SDCC 2014: ‘Sin City: A Dame To Kill For’ Panel![SDCC 2014: Sin City: A Dame To Kill For panel SDCC 2014: Sin City: A Dame To Kill For panel]()
The anticipated sequel to Sin City, the highly stylized live-action cum comic book adaptation titled Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, made its debut at San Diego Comic-Con in famed Hall H on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and the audience got to see a clip from the film center on Mickey Rourke’s character Marv, as well as a teaser video of sorts with new footage. Moderated by Geoff Boucher with a panel composed of Robert Rodriguez, who called the story one of the most original and groundbreaking graphic novels of all time, and creator/illustrator and writer of that graphic novel, Frank Miller, who was sporting wearing his trademark Fedora and admittedly, looking rather gaunt, but still waxed poetic about his craft and vision, a vision in which film noir meets surrealism, even on the printed page.
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