We all know that one of the more popular things to do in comic book movies (namely Marvel) is for superhero characters to do crossovers and make cameo appearances in other movies. For example: we saw Robert Downey Jr. appear briefly in The Incredible Hulk as Tony Stark. Also, Samuel L. Jackson appeared at the end of Iron Man as Nick Fury before going on to sign a 9-movie deal, which will see him showing up in a bunch of flicks as Fury. And with all of these Marvel movies heading toward one juggernaut The Avengers movie, it can only be expected that other crossovers will be taking place.
With all of these crafty Marvel cameos, it would only be natural for the other big comic book company that’s making movies, DC Comics, to consider doing this as well.
A while back, Green Lantern co-writer Marc Guggenheim discussed the possibility that there may just be a cameo involved for a one Clark Kent. Recently, MTV Splashpage followed up on that possibility and asked Guggenheim where that idea stood.
Here is what Guggenheim had to say:
Honestly, it changes on a daily basis. Whatever information I gave you today would be obsolete in a week, and maybe come back again in two weeks. And even if it wasn’t in flux at the script stage, it would still be constantly in flux because you can film it, put it in the original cut, and eventually it could end up on the editing room floor.
I will say, all the Easter Eggs and the cameos that I put in, I couldn’t even begin to predict at this point which ones will stay and which ones will go. I’ll be as interested as anyone else to see what we end up keeping and losing by the time the picture is actually locked”¦ and that’s pretty far away from now.
It appears that some dancing is taking place with the topic at the moment with no real definitive answer given. This of course means that the possibility of an actual Superman cameo does indeed exist, they’re just not sure if they’re going to use it yet — and even if they do, it may even end up cut out (and into our DVD special features).
Time for you, our faithful comic book fanatics to speak up. Do you like the idea of a Superman cameo in Green Lantern, and if so, how would like to see the Man of Steel spend his short time on-screen?
make an appearance will be cool…..as long as it’s Routh, to be consistent to the franchise, hopefully to continue. yet very doubtful. No retard Welling. Too kiddie.
Comment by jay — October 17, 2009 @ 2:14 pm
Like homeboy above or below me said as long as it’s routh I don’t care
Comment by James — January 17, 2010 @ 2:36 pm
This idea blows.. the whole Justice Leauge thing blows.
DC owns the Superman licesnce and just as the video game market can never get a Superman game right .. neither can Hollywood.
Superman does not need to be part of any team.. Hell the team of superhero that form the Justice leause are each just a fraction of what Super Power …Superman Has.
Flash … duh.. Superman is just as Fast.
Batman … duh.. It’s am Rich man in a costume with gadgets.
Wonder Womaan.. a Amazon with super strength.. WHAT ??? Serously?
Hawk Man.. This guy has wings to fly … Superman don’t need wings.
Green Lantern… Now here is a Super Hero… but.. come on a Ring is his source of power… it runs out of energy.. WHAT ???
Superman is invulnerable, strenght of which can not be measured faster than speed of light and only known weakness is fragments of his home planet.
Why Hollywood makes his face grimace when he bends a steel pipe or cant stop a stalled 747 from falling from 35,000 feet until the last second is beyond me.
Superman is every super hero rolled into 1. If they just could make a Kick Ass Superman Movie with that in mind… it would pale all other Super Hero Movies in comparison.
Superman could destroy every Marvel and DC hero ever created if he wanted and he could fight them all at once.
So go ahead Holloywood milk the Super Hero cash in all you want..
Just tell me exactly where Hollywood was going with the Superboy Lois Lane had in the last film ? Seriously did we really need that Plot? It’s utter rubbish.
The Man of Steel paying child support .. wtf.
Comment by aray0002 — June 13, 2010 @ 6:00 am
Clark Kent, yes. Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen yes, yes. Superman, no. This is Hal Jordan’s spotlight (pun intended).
Comment by Yas — July 1, 2010 @ 1:37 am