It’s being reported that last year’s Academy Awards host, Hugh Jackman, has decided that he doesn’t want to host for a second year in a row. Jackman currently has a Broadway show going on and obviously has other projects making him quite the busy man. He ensured that he might be willing to return sometime in the future, but as for consecutive appearances, he was not interested.
Every year, fans of the Oscar ceremony anxiously wonder who will host the show that year. The decision on who will host sets the entire table and hints at whether you get really excited, or really skeptical of the show and how entertaining it could be.
Last year, Jackman was brought in to host the ceremony. It was one of many new moves that the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science have taken to try and refresh the awards and bring new fans in to fortify their dwindling ratings numbers. Traditionally, the Oscars were hosted by comedic entertainers and actors who weren’t usually nominated and could really own the stage — most popular of them being either Johnny Carson or Billy Crystal. Jackman did a great job with the production and, being a well-trained stage actor, had no problem making a flashy show of it, although his effort was met with many mixed reactions overall.
Personally, as you can tell from the title of this post, I’m a-okay with this announcement. Even though Mr. Jackman did a great job with the production, I wasn’t a big fan of the overall show. Being one of the crazies who prints out a ballot, makes picks, and gets excited for the Oscars as if it’s another Super Bowl, I look forward to it with great giddiness and expect a lot of laughs. Obviously that puts Crystal as my personal favorite with others like John Stewart and Steve Martin not far behind. Jackman’s show felt more like Broadway and the laughs were very little. A boring musical number with Beyonce was all but enough to put me off in a savage way. Because of this, I’m all for them either retracting back to my favorites, or finding someone else that’s more fitting to what an Oscar host should be.
With that said, who should be the next to host?
I’m not one to cuddle up to rumors, but WeAreMovieGeeks has a tip that a one Neil Patrick Harris is going to be the one that they choose. If this actually ended up being true, it would be great news for the program — I could absolutely see him giving a memorable and incredibly entertaining performance. Another popular name that I’ve always wanted to see is Conan O’Brien. How he hasn’t hosted yet is beyond me. Some other names that could make for good hosts: Will Ferrell, Nathan Fillion, James Franco, Seth MacFarlane, John C. Reilly.
If you think the Oscars are stupid and boring, that’s fine, you don’t need to worry about any of this, but for those of you who still love it as I do: who do you want to see step onto the stage and host the next awards ceremony?
[Source: Variety]
Bad News Everyone: Hugh Jackman NOT Hosting The Oscars. I need to say no more…
Comment by chris — October 30, 2009 @ 7:12 pm
The answer is Craig Ferguson (and glad to see Wolverine gone).
Comment by Joseph — October 30, 2009 @ 11:39 pm
I agree that is good news, because one appearance was enough to boost Hugh’s cred, but two would have started to undermine it. He did a great job with song and dance, especially since it looked and felt like they really cut back on the money. But doing the oscars really creates a pigeon hole for the presenter’s career options.
Comment by Kell — October 31, 2009 @ 5:36 am
It´s bad news, not good news. But I understand his decision, it´s pretty wise, actually. But still, I am sorry and I am not sure I am going to watch it this time if they should track back to 7-minutes long monologue…
Comment by Ezra — October 31, 2009 @ 8:32 am
Although he did a great job last year I would not have expected him to hos it again this year. I believe that James Franco should be this years host.He has an amazing presence that which would make it an incredible show.
Comment by theana — October 31, 2009 @ 1:51 pm
Anyone but James Franco. I am getting a little tired of his ubiquitousness.
Comment by cactina — October 31, 2009 @ 7:01 pm
Definitely James Franco
Comment by Kinga — November 1, 2009 @ 10:02 am
I’m a fan of Hugh Jackman on the Oscars. But I also think great things can become tiresome and lose that greatness. I think change is good, Franco’s talented, we’ll see how he does on the Oscars. I have little doubt.
Comment by Gene Marie — November 1, 2009 @ 2:41 pm
NP fucking H. best idea they could have ever thought of. A guy who is a skilled stage performer, an awesome actor, not afraid to make fun of himself…total win if he hosts, and the first ceremony i will have watched in forever.
Comment by tarsonus — November 2, 2009 @ 10:30 am
I would love to see James Franco host the Oscars!=D <3
And whoever Cactina if you don’t have anything nice to say please keep it to yourself. Thanks.
Comment by Tori — November 2, 2009 @ 3:28 pm
Official: Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are co-hosting the Oscars. That could be a funny combo right there. Sure, Steve Martin hasn’t been funny since 1756 but the two together might be comedy gold. I am looking forward to it.
Comment by Joseph — November 3, 2009 @ 10:26 pm