OK, I’ll admit it: this isn’t really news. But in a world where Twilight is everywhere you look and read, stuff like this is needed to keep everyone (me, me!) sane.
Basically, our favorite sibling assassins with hearts of gold, the Boondock Saints (Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus), stopped by MTV recently to talk about their long-awaited sequel, Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. While there, they were prompted to take part in a small Big Buck Safari challenge. If you do not know what Big Buck Safari games are, if you’ve ever been in an arcade, you’d recognize them as a hunting simulation in which you hold an orange plastic gun and try and hunt for the best deer.
This isn’t the amusing part of the day, though: before leaving, the Saints made sure that they set their superior status in stone by taking a stand-up of The Twilight Saga: New Moon star Robert Pattinson and giving it the true McManus brothers treatment for those who have sinned against mankind; that’s right, two shots to the back of the head. All we need now is some audio of them saying their prayer beforehand and some pennies for the eyes and all would be well in the world.
Obviously this is all in good fun and no one means anything by it. Mr. Flanery and Mr. Reedus are two of the nicer gentlemen in Hollywood and simply know how to relax and have a little fun. If you missed it, you can read our interview with both of them by clicking away (Read: Conversations With GoD: We Talk To The Boondock Saints Themselves, Norman Reedus & Sean Patrick Flanery).
This is full of win.
Comment by robotrokk — November 12, 2009 @ 12:03 pm