A list of names has been revealed to the masses today, and this list of names just so happens to be the gentlemen who are currently in the running for the highly-coveted role of Captain America in The First Avenger: Captain America.
Usually we would just ignore stuff like this because c’mon now, this is a bunch of people who are being considered for one single role, which means all but one of them will not have anything to do with the project in the end. None-the-less, this is a gigantic film, and the last before the unheard of merging of multiple juggernaut Marvel Studios franchises in The Avengers, so we figured you might be interested in knowing just who might become your new Captain.
The names included are certainly very interesting and they vary from those you might expect to a couple you might not so much expect. Continue reading to find out who’s in the hunt!
The most intriguing name that is included in the conversation is John Krasinski of The Office and Away We Go. Krasinski has more of that geeky feel to him, and would probably be a good fit for the pre-Captain Steve Rogers. And though I would never have suspected him a candidate, something about him feels like it would be a great fit, and he would bring that great comic delivery that can work so well when used properly (a la Iron Man).
Other names that are up for the part include Mike Vogel (Cloverfield, Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Patrick Flueger (The 4400, Brothers), Michael Cassidy (The O.C., Smallville), and Scott Porter, who is best known from Friday Night Lights, but is also currently being seen on Caprica, and the upcoming movie The Good Guy.
Two more names are also associated with the project, but they’re currently on the outside looking in. Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl, The Covenant) is in talks to do a screen test, but he’s not part of the list yet. Tron: Legacy and Four Brothers star Garrett Hedlund was in the running, but had to step away due to scheduling issues.
So there it is: your currently party of potential Captain America prospects. To make things even worse, there is still the chance that NONE of these guys will get the part — there is always the possibility that someone steps in and wows producers at the last second. This is why as a movie fan, I don’t want to know who’s in the running — just tell us who gets the freakin’ part!
What do you guys think? Anyone here you like, or would you like to keep shopping?
[Source: Heat Vision]
Since when did captain america become a d-bag. None of these guys look like they should be captain america. Pass on all of them.
Comment by cease — February 25, 2010 @ 2:27 pm
I agree with cease…don’t like any of ’em
Comment by Captain Funbags — February 27, 2010 @ 2:11 am