OK, so you may be looking at these and realize you’ve seen them before. That’s because they’re actually pretty old, originally hitting the ‘net a couple of years back. That said, sometimes you just don’t find something until well after others have seen it, and this is for those of you like myself who had yet to discover them!
If you’re among those of us seeing these images for the first time, they come from the incredibly talented character designer and story artist, Jeffrey Thomas. He takes almost all of the beloved Walt Disney Princesses and gives them a more realistic and often brutal makeover, dubbing his works “Twisted Princess.”
These are all incredibly good, as you shall see, but my personal favorite has to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid, who happens to have a dinglehopper for a left hand. Yes, this is fact. Now you have to click on over to see for yourself, don’t you?
Most of Mr. Thomas’s work can be seen here, but you can also see a few more by heading over to his personal blog.
Image Gallery [click thumbnails for larger view]
[Source: via BuzzFeed]
I missed these as well. Thanks for sharing. I’ll keep’em away from my daughters though!
Comment by Wesmess — February 15, 2011 @ 9:30 am
Thanks for the pics. You’re right, they’ve been around for a while, but they’re fun to look at.
And if you liked these, you’ll have a good laugh with DINA GOLDSTEIN’s “Fallen Princesses” set of photos:
Take a look and enjoy (they’re 8 in total: Belle, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, the Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Jazmin and Little Red Riding Hood). Higly inventive.
Comment by valdezlopez — February 15, 2011 @ 5:07 pm