Ahh, New York Comic-Con is here again. Or as I like to call it ‘OMG! I wanna buy everything I see. Please stop me! Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie noooowww!… What’s that smell?‘
Yes, it is indeed that time of the year and the GoDs and I are here covering this east coast comic geek mecca all weekend. Last night was preview night and Henchman21, MK2Fac3, and I were there on the Convention floor getting the lay of the land, picking up some choice items, and snapping a few pictures of the booths and anything that catches the eye.
I took a whole bunch of photos from Preview Night of cosplayers, booths, and cool items being offered up at the Con. Check them out here below.
Preview Night is always quiet. There was definitely a lot more mayhem on the Con floor today and you can expect even more tomorrow. I’ll say this: other conventions may be bigger or have more cosplayers, but there’s no denying that NYCC has a distinct charm all its own. After being open a mere 15 minutes the convention floor already yielded up two-dozen items that want to part me from my hard-earned money. Although it does smell like a giant, omnipotent armpit mixed with popcorn already… but that’s a standard part of the convention experience, right?
Photos by Dave3.
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