Update: ‘Star Wars’ Standalone Character Movies Not So Official Yet, Just Early-Stage Ideas
By The Movie God
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Thursday, February 7th, 2013 at 3:00 pm
This has been a week of Star Wars rumors as multiple stories have lit the ‘net on fire in relation to the standalone movies Disney plans to make apart from the numbered sequels.
It began with whispers of a possible standalone movie focusing on the popular character Yoda. Disney CEO Bob Iger then confirmed that they would be making standalone movies based on various Star Wars characters, with none being named specifically. Finally came word of potential movies following a both Boba Fett and a younger Han Solo.
Now Disney is taking a big step back and wants said ‘net to take a nice deep breath while they clarify a bit on what’s really going on.
So, just to quickly update you, all of this madness is not happening for a long, long time, to put it simply. Disney is exploring standalone movies to release along with the numbered movies, as we’ve known all along, but whether a movie about Yoda is on the way is not known by anyone. The status right now is that they’re in the early stages of brainstorming some ideas and seeing what they like. That’s it. Nothing more. The primary focus is and has been Star Wars Episode VII, which is being written by Michael Arndt and directed by J.J. Abrams.
“Nobody knows when these movies are even coming out. Right now, people are just kicking around ideas. Which is why you hear it’s Yoda one day and a young Han Solo another. It’s all in early development right now.”
At least this is what they’re now telling us. It’s also likely a way for them to toss the ol’ bait and hook out to see if we the fishies are interested in and nibbling on these ideas, or if we turn into monstrous, ultra-violent fishies mutated by Ninja Turtle ooze.
As we at Geeks of Doom have warned you, this is the way of things when dealing with a juggernaut like Star Wars. There’s going to be rumors, always. We’ve heard plenty, and many more will follow. Some will end up evolving into a reality, and most will dissipate into an infinite abyss of lost rumors.
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The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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