The Lone Ranger #13
Written by Ande Parks
Art by Esteve Polls
Colors by Marcelo Pinto
Letters by Simon Bowland
Cover by Francesco Francavilla
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: February 27, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
The Lone Ranger #13 starts out REALLY different. For about two panels, I thought that I was reading the wrong review copy. Then, everything started to fall into place and it fell into place VERY well.
Ande Parks uses a great storytelling method to tell this issue’s very heroic tale of The Lone Ranger. I don’t want to give it away, but it’s unique and, to my knowledge, it’s never been done in this book before. Very groundbreaking in the western genre. As for the meat of the story, it’s a fantastic tale of The Lone Ranger and Tonto being their normal heroic selves, and rescuing a group of Asian girls who are being sold by a VERY crooked criminal. What I loved about this issue, and all Park’s issues, is that it’s not ever a “normal” Cowboys & Indians tale. There’s always a twist, or a moral, or both. And THAT’S what makes this book fantastic month after month.
Esteve Polls is his normal fantastic self this issue. For the first time we get to see him draw something VERY different that’s never been in the book before, and he renders it beautifully. He brings a unique look to each and every issue that he draws. No two western towns look the same, and he never falls into using “stock” buildings or scenery. Polls is truly an amazing artist.
There is nothing not to love about this issue. It’s fresh, it’s different, yet it’s the same fantastic storytelling and characterization that we’ve come to know and love from this creative team. It’s a nice “one & done” story, and if you haven’t been reading this book all ready, this issue is a great time to start. You’ll get hooked!!
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