Geek Gear: Star Trek/Star Wars ‘Set To Stun’ Shirt
By Empress Eve
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Sunday, April 28th, 2013 at 1:40 pm
Right now, Gimmick Tees has a cool shirt that mashes up Star Trek and Star Wars called Set To Stun.
The shirt is available through midnight tonight, Sunday April 28, 2013 PST, so grab it now while you can. You might be able to get the shirt next week as well, but the price on it will go up. Men’s crew neck goes through size 5XL; women’s tee and scoop tee through size 2XL, and women’s tanks through XL.
Also available today is a Legend Of Zelda-themed Rorschach shirt called “Hyrule Rorschach” – see the same product page to select this design.
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
Kinda funny actually.
Comment by Al_x — April 29, 2013 @ 2:12 am