I’m glad that we are getting The Raid 2: Berandal. For me, it’s great to finally see that Indonesian Cinema can share a spot alongside other great movies during film festivals like Sundance Film Festival or Toronto International Film Festival. And with the film making its big screen debut in just a few weeks at Sundance, fans are eagerly awaiting to see what will happen to the film’s hero, Rama (Iko Uwais), after his crew was decimated trying to raid a 30 apartment building occupied by drug lords, thieves, and criminals. And maybe some electric action scenes too.
The sequel will find Rama infiltrating the same crime ring and getting caught in between two crime families who are fighting over control over the city of Jakarta. Unlike the first trailer which featured Uwais punching the wall at a furious pace, this trailer has new footage, and shows the war between the two families and how far Rama must go to take them down. Hit the jump to see the full trailer.
Some interesting points were made prior to the trailer’s release last night. While the trailer release experienced some technical difficulties, Evans took some time to answer some questions about the franchise over Twitter. According to him, what you will watch in the trailer is only from the first act, which is surprising considering how much action there is. He also talked about the The Raid 3, which would take place two hours before the end of the The Raid 2.
The Raid 2 will open in theaters on March 28.
The Raid 2: Berandal (Indonesian Trailer) from Merantau Films on Vimeo.
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