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Disney In Depth: 6 More Surprising Disney Marriage Proposal Videos
Brett Nachman   |  @   |  

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So this is love? Absolutely. Staging a marriage proposal – and an elaborate one, no less – requires meticulous calculation and planning. Aladdin knows that all too well. Orchestrating a marriage proposal at a Disney park, or at least a Disney-themed one, is no easy task. But these six fine YouTube videos prove that the ultimate test of success rests in an acceptance.

Aladdin and Jasmine soar above the clouds on Magic Carpet

Check out six more Disney marriage proposal videos below, and reflect back on some other winners in last year’s similarly themed edition of Disney In Depth.

MOST romantic Disney proposal video EVER!!!

This video has become viral for good reason. It gives context to the romantic presentation and planning process. YouTube user Perspectivesnz shares this detail-oriented and beautifully crafted arrangement. Mat has been with his girlfriend Kylie for six years, and he organized a special experience for his soon-to-be fiancée. Of course, Kylie thinks this camera crew is only filming a “love story” video. Well, yes. But it’s more than that. Mat has led Kylie down an enchanting path marked by memories and magic. This takes them to an outdoor theater-like environment that plays love-themed clips from Disney favorites. Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Little Mermaid are among the films featured in the compilation. You can expect what follows. This Disney-inspired video demonstrates the precise technique required to develop such a moving outcome.

Romantic Disney Wedding Proposal (TotL vlog 36)

YouTube user TalesOfTheLiving knows how to literally stage a creative proposal. Niko and Annick, performers in a production of Phantom of the Opera, become the stars of the show when Niko begins to belt out “I See The Light” from Tangled. Little does Annick now that she is the Rapunzel to his Flynn Rider, and that this song will soon conclude in him proposing. Though not held at a Disney park, the overwhelming magical tonal quality makes this something the Tangled characters would be proud in watching.

Best Disneyland Proposal!!! September 2013

Nick Price and YouTube user Jennifer Moore are about to take part in the Dapper Dans’ Disneyland routine. But as you can anticipate, Jennifer does not realize that Nick is using this specially created opportunity to show his adoration for his girlfriend. At first glance this looks like an ordinary musical number for the crew. It’s not. When somebody retrieves an item out of a bag, this usually equates to a surprise. Boy does it ever. A ring! The Dapper Dans reward the happy engaged couple with buttons and a suggestion of what to do next. “Go ride Space Mountain,” the red-dressed Dan says.

Mark’s Disney proposal to Janine with Push the Talking Trashcan

WALL-E may have possibly saved humanity, but PUSH the moving and talking robot at the Disney parks may be responsible for supporting something equally as important. Romance. Skip to the 2:30 mark in YouTube user MrCaase’s video to catch the beginning of this proposal. “PUSH is helping me propose,” Mark says, laughing over the hilarity of the Tomorrowland-set situation. Pipe in some “Here Comes the Bride” and you have an acceptance, followed by the equally apropos “I Will Always Love You.”

June 4, 2013- My Surprise Marriage Proposal to Ilene at Disneyland with Cinderella at Fantasy Faire

Guess who helps out with this proposal? None other than Cinderella, though I doubt she was in on the surprise. Fantasy Faire at Disneyland serves as the backdrop for this character encounter. Ilene will soon discover that this experience is far from ordinary. YouTube user ImJustSaying features the proposal process, which begins just about halfway into the video. Immediately after the photo opportunity he steps down on one knee and shocks Ilene – and probably Cinderella, too, based on her astonished response. “Shut the front door,” Ilene reacts. The soon-to-be bride cannot stop laughing, and neither can we, as we watch the authentic conclusion.

Walt Disney World Marching Band Marriage Proposal

Talk about grand scale. This guy enlists an entire marching band to assist him in this important effort. This video comes from the DisneyWeddings YouTube channel (the division of Disney responsible for those Fairy Tale Weddings). Ed loves Rachel. Can you feel the love (tonight)? The Raiders High School Marching Band plays the Oscar-winning Lion King song as Ed emerges from behind the flags. We must give props to the musicians in the background who use actual props (cards) that they flip around to say, “Will you marry me Rachel?” Absolutely. Applause, applause!

How would you propose to your special someone at the Disney parks? And where? Share your ideas and thoughts!

This is Brett Nachman, signing off. Follow me on Twitter for alerts of new editions of Disney In Depth, Thursdays on Geeks of Doom.

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