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Confirmed: Edgar Wright Left ‘Ant-Man’ Over Script Changes; Marvel Scrambles To Fill Key Positions
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Edgar Wright

We could talk about whether Edgar Wright or Marvel Studios was wrong about the Ant-Man situation that led Wright to exit the movie all day, but it would really get us nowhere. If you don’t already know, on Friday Wright and Marvel announced that they would be parting ways on the project due to creative differences. The generic statement was then followed up by the rumor that Wright and co-writer Joe Cornish‘s script was given to two low-level writers in Marvel Studios, and after its review, Wright left, saying that it resembled nothing that was originally written. We couldn’t confirm if that was the real reason why the director left, but he did tweet (then deleted) an image of Buster Keaton holding a Cornetto ice cream cone a few days ago. The tweet signified Keaton’s regret signing on with MGM, having sacrificed his artistic integrity for money.

Now it has been confirmed that Wright did in fact leave Ant-Man over major changes to his script. Something he couldn’t stand for. Now that he is no longer directing the film, Marvel Studios is left to find a way to salvage the project. Hit the jump to see what needs to be done and how Guardians of the Galaxy may have led to the break up.

As aforementioned, Wright left Ant-Man due to some of the major changes in his script; a script he has been working on since 2006. While it is not surprising to see a script being sent back for some changes, the fact that Marvel has been seeing the script for eight years, and Kevin Feige saying Wright’s vision “is the only reason we’re making the movie,” makes it all the more confusing that the two parties split.

However, THR reports that Ant-Man‘s tone might have been too quirky for the Marvel universe. Marvel is already taking a huge gamble with Guardians of the Galaxy, and they feel that the film is already too outside the box. If you have seen the amount of praise it was given during Comic-Con, its understandable why Marvel may want to play it safe. Remember, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Pacific Rim were all highly anticipated films after their San Diego Comic-Con runs, and both were met with poor to mediocre box office returns. Perhaps this is another reason why Marvel may be trying to play it safe, especially after the huge risk that Guardians of the Galaxy poses.

With Wright gone, Feige is left to find a director who can bring whatever is left of Wright’s script to the big screen. Many blogs have already created their short lists, but don’t expect to see Cornish to sit on the director’s chair any time soon. Key members of the crew had also left the production when it became clear that they would not be able to make the July 28th start date. According to the trade, these vacant spots will be filled shortly, and production on the film will start soon.

In addition to this, Paul Rudd will still play the titular character.

Ant-Man also stars Michael Douglas, Michael Peña, Patrick Wilson, and Evangeline Lilly. The film opens in theaters on July 17, 2015.

[Source: THR]

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