Though Marvel Studios has built a successful product by creating a cinematic universe that will literally go to galaxies far, far away, it still has a lot of room to grow. Part of that growth was bringing the individual heroes together for The Avengers, and with Avengers: Age of Ultron in the process of shooting, there’s likely to be a lot of speculation on the future of each of the characters.
One rumor has the Hulk doing something so bad during Age of Ultron, that the rest of the Avengers come to the decision to send him off to space in order to keep the earth safe, where he would eventually meet up with the Guardians of the Galaxy for a Guardians of the Galaxy sequel/Planet Hulk film. With Marvel Studios having mapped out their plans until 2028, this sounded like it was going to happen.
But Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn have put a stop to these rumors by confirming that Hulk will not be in the sequel, nor will there be a Planet Hulk film. Hit the jump to learn more.
In an interview with IGN, Feige said:
“There are no plans for Planet Hulk anytime soon. I think what’s cool about the Planet Hulk story is it’s all Hulk. He’s a gladiator, he’s fighting all these creatures on another world. Yes, some of those creatures show up in (Guardians of the Galaxy), which makes people think, ‘Oh, maybe it could exist.’ And maybe it could exist, someday. I don’t think that’s the first place we would go though for the very reason that you stated, which is, if we were ever able to do a standalone Hulk movie, 60 percent of the fun would be seeing Mark Ruffalo leading a Marvel movie — and that’s what we would do if we ever went down that road.”
Gunn really let it out when he talked to the Playlist:
“It is absolute, 100% bullsh*t. It feels like a great relief to finally say this after all the dumb stuff on the Internet. There’s not going to be a ‘Planet Hulk’ movie, there was never going to be a ‘Planet Hulk’ movie, there was never a plan for the Hulk to team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy – I wouldn’t want the Hulk to team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy! And it’s all a bunch of complete bullsh*t.”
See what happens when a little speculation and fascination turns into a rumor that causes quite a stir on the Internet. While it may be fun, it’s great to see that these rumors have finally been put to rest. Unfortunately that means we probably won’t be seeing a Planet Hulk film any time soon, or a solo Hulk film for that matter. Maybe Feige will announce a solo Hulk film as one of the three mystery films that is expected to hit theaters in 2017.
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