When it comes to video game actors, Troy Baker is one of the best in the business. Many who haven’t visited his IMDB page might be surprised to find out just how often they’ve heard the actor’s voice while they’re playing games. In Batman: Arkham City, he plays Two Face/Harvey Dent, Robin, and Tim Drake. He was the default male voice in Saints Row: The Third and the male President of the United States in Saints Row IV. He played Kai Leng, the assassin working for the Illusive Man and Cerberus in Mass Effect 3. He played Lyndon the Scoundrel in Diablo III. In LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, Baker was Batman, Two Face, and Sinestro. He voiced Jazz, Jetfire, and Kickback in Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. In Injustice: Gods Among Us, he was Sinestro and Nightwing. The actor also recently played Delsin Rowe in Infamous: Second Son.
Then comes the big boys: Baker replaced the irreplaceable Mark Hamill as Joker for Batman: Arkham Origins, and totally nailed it. He was Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite. And, of course, in his most prominent role to date, Baker was the voice of Joel in Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us. He also has a couple of big upcoming games, voicing Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (seen at the start of this video with Snake), Talion in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, and the villain Pagan Min in Far Cry 4.
If I wasn’t being clear enough, Troy Baker is the f’n man. And any requests he has, should be fulfilled immediately. So when he says he wants to play a clicker in the planned Last of Us movie, that simply needs to happen.
Baker started voice acting in 1989 when he was 13 years old, playing a Dragon Ball Z character, and has also appeared in numerous animated series over the years, including more recently in X-Men (2011) as Koichi Kaga and Sublime; The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (2010-2012) as Clay Quartermain, Donnie Gill, Blizzard, Frank Payne, Sydren, and more; Marvel’s Avengers Assemble (2013-2014) as Hawkeye; and Ultimate Spider-Man (2012-2014) as Loki and Hawkeye.
On top of all of that, you can see Baker performing The Last of Us live, as well as talking about the game with Ellie actress Ashley Johnson.
As for playing a clicker, it would be quite easy for the most part. The most challenging part being the multi-hour makeup job that would be required. If you don’t know what a clicker is, well…it’s a living nightmare. The game is set after a mutant Cordyceps (look it up; it is real and is super horrifying) fungal outbreak has turned most people into vicious, mindless killers. People infected face multiple excruciating stages, one of which coming to be known as “clickers.” When at the clicker stage, sight is gone and sound is all they have to go on. And to make it extra creepy, they make a disturbing animalistic sound as they walk around.
Baker first voiced his desire to play small part in the movie adaptation back when it was first announced. And now, with the movie actually having its own panel during San Diego Comic-Con 2014, Baker has once again made it clear that he wants to be a clicker (while also discussing his thoughts on someone else telling the story and actors other than he and co-star Johnson playing the primary roles), saying:
“I want to be a clicker so bad. The beauty of what we do, with the game specifically, is that the face isn’t what you see, you see Joel. I like some of that anonymity. For this specifically, what we have done with the characters lives within the game and is perfect for it. It’s just as if someone goes out and does a different version of a play, I mean Billy Shakespeare is rolling over in his grave with how many people have done Macbeth, Hamlet and Richard III. It’s the same play, but different actors have acted it, different directors have interpreted it with different sets and props, and even visions of what it is.For it to exist in a different form is fantastic and I’m excited to see a different actor’s interpretation of these characters, as long as they get it. I just want them to get it. But I hope they reveal something new about the character that I didn’t think of before as long as it’s true to the story and true to Joel. But yeah, I want to be a clicker. Head. Blown. OFF.”
Johnson also chimed in with her thoughts on someone else playing her role, right around the time that we found out that Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams was in talks, saying:
“Selfishly, the only requirement I would want is just that they love it as much as I do, which clearly is not going to happen,” she joked. “But to at least have played the game so they know what it was, but who knows if that’s going to happen. I know somebody could do an amazing job with it and I think they will.”
I’d even take a step down from that. While it’d be best that the actors play the game, not everyone is good at video games, and this one could be frustrating. Instead, a quick visit to YouTube would supply plenty of walkthrough videos allowing actors to watch the full game and get the necessary feel for it.
So that’s where we stand. If The Last of Us does get made as a movie, Troy Baker NEEDS to play one of the clickers. And one of the more visible ones, so fans of the game will be able to point him out while watching. Hell, while we’re at it, let’s make Johnson a clicker as well!
Make this happen, Neil Druckmann and Sam Raimi. We’ll all be better off because of it.
[Source: IGN]
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