Season 1 Episode 15: “Wentworth Prison”
Directed by Anna Foerster
Written by Ira Steven Behr
Created by Ronald D. Moore
Based on the books by Diana Galbadon
Starring Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Duncan Lacroix, Graham McTavish, Tobias Menzies, Grant O’Rourke, Stephen Walters, Gary Lewis, Steven Cree, Laura Donnelly
Air Date: Saturday, May 16th, 2015, 9:00pm
On last week’s Outlander, Jenny (Laura Donnelly) and Claire (Caitriona Balfe) set out to rescue Jaime (Sam Heughan). They find the Redcoat camp, but no Jaime! Murtagh (Duncan Lacroix) comes along and tags out Jenny. She has GOT to get back to her baby (see last week’s breast milk expression Emmy wish). I was kinda pissed that nobody even attempted to rescue MacQuarrie (Douglas Henshall). He ended up being an all right guy. Murtagh and Claire started a traveling act, dancing and singing to ferret out Jaime. Even though a gypsy act stole their song, they did get word. That word ended up being Dougal (Graham McTavish), who only agreed to help if Claire agreed to marry him upon failure. Claire, to everybody’s surprise, agreed.
Outlander 1.15 “Wentworth Prison” review: This is the episode that fans of the novel have been waiting for and not waiting for. Now the television fans are as heartbroken as we have been. We are all one.
Jaime is saved at the noose (after poor MacQuarrie met his end), by BlackJack Randall (Tobias Menzies). At this point, I think he’d rather be dead.
Tobias Menzies is such a subtle example of perfection in an actor. Randall is so evil, yet so sad. It’s like something is missing. He can’t feel, so he tries to feel so much. It still does not make what he’s doing to Jaime and to a lesser point Claire right, but it does humanize him a bit.
The episode was an exercise in pain. Claire and Murtagh managed to trick Claire into the prison, but as tough as she is, she only managed to help Jaime kill Randall’s thug (who felt Claire up quite a bit), then watch as he nailed his broken hand into a table. Randall went to kill Claire, and Jaime agreed to give in to him willingly for her safety. Her safety included being pushed through a hole into a sea of corpses.
I literally became nauseous at parts of this episode. And looked away. Randall’s torture was slow, and Claire wailing with despair, clinging to Jaime as he wailed in pain… there are actually no words descriptive enough.
The episode ended with hope.
The season 1 finale of Outlander airs Saturday, May 30th at 9pm ET on Starz.
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