Wayward Pines
Season 1 Episode 7: “Betrayal”
Directed by Steve Shill
Written by Rob Fresco
Created by Chad Hodge
Starring Matt Dillion, Carla Gugino, Toby Jones, Shannyn Sossamon, Melissa Leo, Hope Davis, Reed Diamond, Charlie Tahan
Air Date: Thursday, July 2nd, 2015, 9:00pm
To quote Inigo Montoya, “Let me explain… no there is too much, let me sum up.” If you believe what we’re being told about the year in Wayward Pines, Idaho, 4028, and the town is the last vestige of human civilization – an ark designed by billionaire scientist David Pilcher (Toby Jones). He recruited Ethan Burke (Matt Dillon) to help him keep things safe, as there is a growing resistance force within the town, unaware of the dangers that lurk outside the huge electrified fences. Okay, I think we’re good.
Episode 7, titled “Betrayal,” starts ominously for Ethan, when he finds a bomb planted under the hood of his truck the morning after being dropped off by Pilcher. He quickly figures out the culprits and it traces back to his former Secret Service partner and fling Kate (Carla Gugino) and her made for Wayward Pines husband Harold (Reed Diamond). Ethan is in a difficult position. Two episodes ago, he was leading the charge to escape Wayward Pines. Now, he’s the only citizen aside from Pilcher’s sister, Nurse Pam, and teacher Megan Fisher (Hope Davis), who know the full truth. Now he has to convince the people closest to him of something he’s not sure he believes himself.
His wife Theresa (Shannyn Sossamon), keeps exploring the abandoned lot, but why she keeps asking her uptight and obviously nervous boss about it is strange. She also has odd bonding moments with Kate as they are on the same page about the town, but have a history too deep to suddenly become friends. The strangest and most awkward scenes in this week’s episode come at school. Fisher’s biology lesson is less textbook, more speed dating and forced coupling. She basically tells the first generation kids that it’ll be their job to re-populate the town, and that their future mates are probably sitting close by. As a teacher… holy crap, is this scene weird and awkward. When she makes Ben and Amy (Charlie Tahan and Sarah Jeffery) stand in front of the room together, I was squirming. It was so uncomfortable.
A war seems likely between the faction that wants out, led by Kate and Harold, and the rest of town led by the Pilchers and Ethan as their new avatar. Kate drops a bombshell to Theresa about reaching her contacts in Seattle on the phone (hey! they remembered!), and how this might be some crazy government exercise. Maybe Ethan is going crazy. In the first two episodes they implied he was in therapy, had been through a traumatic incident at work, and was having nightmares and visions. One thing is for sure, I am not believing anything I’m told until I get final confirmation down the line. Until then, I’m just enjoying the roller coaster ride of crazy that Wayward Pines dishes out every week.
Wayward Pines, Episode 7, “Betrayal” airs tonight, July 2nd at 9:00pm ET on FOX.
Don’t miss the craziness in an all-new episode of WAYWARD PINES THU at 9/8c on FOX!
Theresa attempts to walk into the school but gets stopped by Megan Fisher.
Ethan interrogates Harold and tells him to give up the leader of his group.
Ethan tries to keep the peace with Kate but she has other plans.
Nurse Pam offers to help to Ethan.
Ethan returns home and tells Theresa what he saw while on the other side of the fence.
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I too am enjoying this crazy ride called Wayward Pines. I seriously hope this is NOT a government experiment or a crazy person nightmare or something. I think the story they told that it is in the future is actually the best and most interesting story of all of the options. I also hope this is really a mini series with an ending, unlike the best show on TV to hate watch, “Under the Dome”. That being said, I am so liking Wayward Pines that is I may not want it to end after 10 episodes.
Comment by Jay Kay — July 2, 2015 @ 6:51 pm
Something more is DEFINITELY going on. Why would Kate say her contact told her to beware of an agent, and Theresa says do you think it’s Ethan, her response I don’t know. Well it’s obviously not Ethan, I’m thinking Pitcher-remember him talking to Ethan’s friend-agent at the beginning. Something else is definitely going on, I’m just not sure what it is. I, too am extremely disappointed were on ep 8 with only 2 to go.
Comment by Jennifer Lynn — July 6, 2015 @ 9:05 am