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‘Deadpool’ Director’s Commentary On Film’s First Trailer
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Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

The first trailer for Deadpool starring Ryan Reynolds as the title character, was released earlier this week to much fanfare. As exciting as a Deadpool sounds, we are still a long ways a way from seeing the actual film. We got a small hint at the character’s motivation through the trailer, and some of interesting tidbits from the panel at Comic-Con, but nothing really substantial. There were questions like: Why is Colossus the only X-Men in the film? Who is the bad guy? And for some, why were some of the footage from the Comic-Con trailer omitted in this one?

Now director Tim Miller is providing some answers to those questions in an all new commentary on the trailer, which you can check out below.

Empire was the first to get the exclusive breakdown. Miller tells them that fans hate what X-Men Origins: Wolverine did to Wade Wilson, but that “nobody blames Ryan [Reynolds] for it.” Hard to put the blame on the actor since the script was incomplete due to the writer’s strike. But Reynolds wanted to revisit the character, and all it took was a leaked video to get Fox interested in making an R-rated superhero film.

One of the best things about the trailer is just how it mocks pop culture. For instance, in the trailer Wade Wilson requests that his superhero suit not be green or animated, which is a reference to Reynolds starring in the disappointing Green Lantern. But Miller has made an effort to make sure there is a balance when it comes to breaking the fourth wall:

“Ryan definitely had some Green Lantern issues to work out. We had about a minute’s worth of dialogue between him and Colossus where he talks about it, like, ‘So a guy comes with a thousand-dollar suit and says, “We want you to play a superhero,” but there’s no script yet and the release date is completely unmakeable”¦’ He goes on this whole anti-Green Lantern run, but I’m not sure it’ll stay in, because probably not even half the people in the theatres will get those jokes. You can’t only play to the comic fans. He’s spouting weird shit all the time, and if you don’t pick up on every joke, that’s fine. But you can’t leave everybody behind all the time. Any joke that an audience needs to look up on the internet after the movie is not something I’m in favour of. But that scene’s one for the DVD extras, for sure.”

Miller than addresses Colossus, and how he had to work him into the story, and how he tried to get the original star, Daniel Cudmore, to be in the film.

“As a fanboy I’ve always been like, ‘That dude with the shiny skin is not fucking Colossus.’ He should be this monstrous guy, and they actually let me make him seven-and-a-half feet tall. I did actually call Daniel Cudmore to ask him if he wanted to do this, even though he’d be entirely CG the whole time. He was very nice about it. He was like, ‘I appreciate your offering, but nah.'”

Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) is just one of the new characters introduced into Fox’s Marvel Cinematic Universe, but as Miller will admit, she wasn’t his first choice. In fact, budgetary restrictions prevented that from him from getting a character he wanted. The director also talks about how Deadpool 2 needs to have Cable.

We had Garrison Kane in there for a while, but in the final round of budget cuts we had to take him out, because he was a pretty expensive dude. He’s got these bionic arms that change shape; he would have been a visual effect for a large part of the movie. And as it turned out, a visual effect too far.
We thought about Cannonball, but he would’ve been a stupid hick character, whereas the guys wrote Negasonic as this deadpan goth teen, which was a great angle. She turned out really well.
“There aren’t really many definitive Deadpool villains, apart from Cable. If we don’t put Cable in Deadpool 2 I think we’ll be run out of town on a rail.”

Empire has the full Deadpool trailer commentary, so I suggest you check it out if you want more insight on the film.

Deadpool also stars Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, and Gina Carano,. It opens in theaters on February 12, 2016.

[Source: Empire]

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