Right out of the gate Sony has shown interest in bringing back Men in Black as a trilogy. The original film was a huge success, but it would be five years before Men in Black II was released, and another 10 years before Men in Black III would hit theaters.
It doesn’t seem like the studio will repeat the same process anytime soon, and have turned to married producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald to relaunch the franchise as a trilogy. But it doesn’t look like Will Smith will be returning in any sort of capacity, producing or otherwise. More on this story below.
THR was the first to report on the news. In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood trade, Parkes confirmed that there was going to be a new Men in Black trilogy when asked whether or not he was involved in the rumored project:
“We’re in the middle of it. It’s very active.”
However, he didn’t sound too optimistic about Smith being involved in the project. When asked if the actor was going to be a part of it, the producer said, “Most likely no.”
MacDonald then chimed in to confirm that there will be three films:
“It will be reinvented as a trilogy.”
This sort of welcomed news to fans of Men in Black who can’t wait ten years in between sequels. As aforementioned, it took multiple years for the sequels to happen, and an entire decade to get the final installment released to close out the first trilogy. Though the franchise as a whole was a box office success, the number of years it took for the sequels to happen may have had an effect on Men in Black 4, as none of the cast seemed remotely interested in returning to reprise their roles.
Rumors of a possibly crossover with the Jump Street franchise emerged earlier this year as a result of the Sony e-mail hack. Jump Street directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord even seemed somewhat interested in exploring the idea:
“Nothing’s changed. It’s still a crazy idea, and we only do things that seem like they’re going to be terrible”¦.We’re really focusing on what’s a great story for Schmidt and Jenko and how to tell the next chapter in their lives. And perhaps use creatures from another world at the same time.”
Months later it was then reported that Rodney Rothman was penning the script for the crossover. The idea was that since 21 Jump Street took on reboots and 22 Jump Street took on sequels, the 23 Jump Street/Men In Black crossover would take on shared universes. No word yet if that is still the plan.
No word yet on who will direct the film (or films) and no cast has been announced.
But we will keep you posted on the news as it develops.
[Source: THR]
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