As a creative consultant for Fox’s Marvel properties, Mark Millar has successfully crafted a cinematic universe with the limited properties that are at his disposal. Both the X-Men: First Class and Wolverine trilogies are coming to a close, and with the untitled third Wolverine movie said to end Bryan Singer’s X-Men Saga, it will be interesting to see how the franchise moves forward from there. We still don’t know much about Wolverine 3, but Hugh Jackman has hinted that it could be based off of the “Old Man Logan” storyline. The problem with that though is that many of the supporting characters and villains currently belong to Marvel Studios.
But Millar doesn’t see that being a major issue, and believes that “the continuity stuff is the most boring side of it” and “keeping it simplified and keeping it generally X-Men universe is a smarter thing to do.” More on his comments here below.
Speaking to IGN, Millar had this to say about approaching Wolverine 3 using an “Old Man Logan” story without being able to use some of the major characters:
They’re not important to the story. The way I worked that thing is I actually structured it as, I broke it down mechanically – I figured out going from this part of America to that part of America and what he would encounter along the way, and then I added in the adversities later. Basically Wolverine doing The Road movie is the important thing and he has a friend [a blind Hawkeye] with him. But that friend could be Cyclops and he could be blind by the fact that his ruby-quartz visor is broken and he has to keep his eyes closed the whole time and everything, but still insists on driving the car they’re crossing America with. There’s lots of stuff. Instead of the Hulk, you could have the Blob or something.
Honestly, the continuity stuff is the most boring side of it. I kind of like it, keeping it in the X-Men universe a little, too, because comic fans are different from the mainstream world. I know this stuff backwards because I’ve lived my whole life loving this stuff, but most people don’t know all the minutia and everything so I think keeping it simplified and keeping it generally X-Men universe is a smarter thing to do.
To be fair, that is what separates the comics from the films. These films should not be completely faithful to the source material, adding that little twist is what makes it more entertaining, it may even spark a friendly debate on which version is better. As Marvel fans would know, there were some obvious changes to the film adaptation of X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Instead of Kitty Pryde going back to the past, it was Wolverine.
With Fox forced to make changes, I’m intrigued to see which mutants they will choose to take the place of the characters that are owned by Marvel. While it may seem like a challenge at first, seeing who they end up replacing should be a lot of fun.
It’s not clear though if “Old Man Logan” is really what the film will be based on though. However, the more talk of it seems to indicate that it is. The only other actor confirmed is Patrick Stewart, who will reprise his role as Professor X. Based on previous interviews, Jackman has said that the film would focus on the father-son relationship between the two.
[Source: IGN]
Continuity isn’t boring it’s what keeps me watching…..but that isn’t even really what he was talking about. Swapping out a few characters here and there is not continuity it’s just a recasting of sorts.
Comment by UNCARING1 — September 28, 2015 @ 11:00 pm