Season 4 Episode 5: “Haunted”
Directed by John Badham
Written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama
Created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg
Starring Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, John Barrowman, Paul Blackthorne
The CW
Air Date: Wednesday, November 4th, 2015, 8:00pm
Last week on Arrow, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) showed Lance (Paul Blackthorne) that Sara (Caity Lotz) was alive – chained up, animilistic, wildling, but alive. He goes to Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) for advice who seems almost a friend, and advises him to put her down. He almost goes through with it in a heartwrenching moment, but Laurel is able to talk him down. At the end though, Sara escaped. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is still not getting the hint that Ray is trying to communicate with her through her phone, even though Holt (Echo Kellum) tells her it’s coming from inside Palmer Tech. She is reluctant to listen to Ray’s last words but gives in. There was a little storyline involving corrupt cops, but I felt like that was background to the other stuff. The gang has a new lair, and after some hemming and hawing, Oliver (Stephen Amell) formerly announced his candidacy for mayor of Star City.
Spoilers below.
Arrow 4.5 “Haunted” review: There’s still something weird about the Ray message. Holt looks into cleaning it up.
A crazy woman is killing. That would be soulless Sara hunting – thieves, muggers, and Thea lookalikes. Of course Ollie finds out and needs to find her.
Darhk wants, “A new beginning for the world. A nice glass of merlot.” And for Lance to hack into a big time database and erase a bunch of files, one of which is Diggle’s (David Ramsey) brother. I LOVE the way Darhk speaks. No wonder he’s an evil megalomaniac. I’d follow him.
Sara spends most of the episode trying to kill Thea, while everyone scrambles to figure out a way to stop her.
Oliver has to phone a friend. That friend is John Constantine (Matt Ryan). He’s going to restore Sara’s soul. And finally! This story of flashback island has my attention. John Constantine is there and takes Oliver hostage. But shows him magic. This is a nice good guy magic yin to Darhk’s bad magic yang. He sweeps in with the trench coat to restore Sara’s soul. The way to do that? Oliver, Laurel, and Constantine fight for her in another realm. The fight could have been a little more intense, but I’m nitpicking about one of my fave episodes so far.
It really is so funny to see Lance look at Constantine. Talk about two different worlds.
Constantine: “If I knew you were surrounded by so many pretty girls, Oliver, I would have stopped by sooner.” Oliver scowls. Love it!
Constantine’s advice to Oliver about Darhk. “Leave town while you still can.”
Thea (about Constantine): “He’s a very specific kind of yummy.” Yes he is, Thea.
Back on the island, Constantine tells Oliver what he does. He keeps relics in a safe place. They find a grimoire called The Orb of Horus, and Oliver saves his life (the favor). Since hero Oliver won’t leave with him, he gives him magic tattoos that apparently he will use later. Oh, and Lian Yu has a chewy magical center.
What did Holt find? You have to watch! Although you can probably guess. Throughout all this, Oliver is still running for mayor and has a strategist.
I truly think Constantine would be a welcome addition to the Arrow cast. This was far and beyond the best episode of the season. As much as I love this show, it is only the villains that get the comedy. They need a rogue. It looks like a one and done, but Constantine has rabid fans.
#ConstantineonArrow #SaveConstantine
Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8pm ET on The CW.
The CW’s synopsis:
Haunted (Ep# 404)
MATT RYAN REPRISES HIS ROLE AS JOHN CONSTANTINE ON ARROW — When things take a turn for the worse with Sara (guest star Caity Lotz), Oliver (Stephen Amell) calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine (guest star Matt Ryan). John Badham directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#404). Original airdate 11/4/2015.
Arrow | Haunted Scene | The CW
See if John Constantine can save Sara’s soul on tonight’s NEW Arrow at 8/7c!
It was great to see Matt Ryan back as John Constantine, but it reminded me how much I miss the “Constantine” show. NBC really blew it not giving that show more of a chance.
Comment by Hugomarink — November 5, 2015 @ 12:49 pm