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TV Review: The Flash 2.7 “Gorilla Warfare”
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The Flash
Season 2 Episode 7: “Gorilla Warfare”
Directed by Dermott Downs
Written by Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Tom Cavanagh
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2015, 8:00pm

Last week on The Flash, Zoom (Tony Todd) was front and center, as Linda (Malese Jow) pretended to be Dr. Light as bait. They did some bad playacting to draw him out, but Zoom wasn’t fooled. He ended up hurting Barry (Grant Gustin) horribly, then dragging his limp body around Central City, showing everyone how their hero has fallen. Barry can’t feel his legs at the end of the episode.

Spoilers below.

The Flash 2.7 “Gorilla Warfare” recap/review: Barry is healing, but still can’t really walk. It’s making him feel quite helpless and useless.

Earth-2 Wells (Tom Cavanagh) wants access to the breach room and speed cannon. He’s going home to face Zoom alone and get his daughter back.

Cisco (Carlos Valdes): “If Harry wants to go… Bye!” I heart Cisco.

Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) really doesn’t want Dr. Wells to leave. She wants him to trust in the team. She does give Wells an idea on how to draw Zoom out and set a trap.

Cisco has a date with Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee)! She’s so lucky! Well, he almost takes her to see The Princess Bride, and then ditches her. Maybe because he vibed and saw a birdman? Wait until you see what he sees when they finally kiss!

Patty (Shantel VanSanten) knows something is up with Barry. He’s faking a bug. She is really smart, Barry. She knows what’s up. Plus, Joe accidentally blew up your spot.

“Foolish human. I am Grodd!” Grodd makes one of the scientists steal a serum then busts his head open. Then he steals Caitlin. All the men rally to save her. Grodd wants her to make more Grodds.

Barry is having lots of self-doubt issues. Dad to the rescue! John Wesley Shipp is back this episode as Henry Allen. Iris thought Barry needed a bit of a pick-me-up. And it was true. Henry took the old Wells place giving the earpiece pep talk during the takedown.

“Sometimes you have to slow down to get where you want to be.” That’s not the only wise advice. He used the time when he was in prison to get through to him, comparing how people looked at him when they thought he was a killer, to the way Barry thinks the city looks at him, after Zoom paraded him around like a weak rag doll.

Cisco about Grodd: “Only this time he upgraded from a bachelor pad to a penthouse like a baller.” I heart Cisco.

Cisco made Harry practice being Wells – with the love you like a son line. And it works! he convinces Grodd that he is “father.” It was touch and go for a bit, but they all escape. Caitlin really doesn’t want Grodd to die. She feels bad because he’s lonely. Wells has an idea. There’s a refuge for Grodds on Earth-2 and they send him there. It’s kinda cool-looking.

I started out not liking this Grodd episode because I thought it was more of the same, “I am Grodd! Roar!” Throw in a little mind control and a lot of fear, and boom! Same old, same old. But sending Grodd to a real home, was a bit heartwarming. I’m sure it will blow up in their faces later, but that’s okay. It’ll be fun.

This was a very Dad episode – Grodd and his imposter dad, Cisco and his fake Harry dad, Barry and his real dad, and Barry and Iris (Candice Patton) with Joe (Jesse L. Martin). All dads imparting wisdom, along with real (and fake) love. The Flash is one of my favorite shows, but sometimes these moments get very Danny Tanner.

Carlos Valdes and Tom Cavanagh (and David Anders from iZombie!) are pretty my favorite actors on television right now. And I watch a lot of television.

The Flash airs Tuesday nights at 8pm ET on The CW.

The CW’s synopsis:

The Flash
Gorilla Warfare (Ep# 207)
GORILLA GRODD RETURNS TO CENTRAL CITY — Grodd returns to Central City and kidnaps Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker). Barry (Grant Gustin) and team race to find her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) plans his first date with the new barista at Jitters, Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée) and Patty (guest star Shantel VanSanten) begins to suspect Barry is hiding something from her. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing (#207). Original airdate 11/17/2015.


The Flash | Gorilla Warfare Trailer | The CW

Get ready for Gorilla Warfare on Tuesday’s new episode of The Flash at 8/7c!

The Flash | Gorilla Warfare Scene | The CW

Gorilla hair can mean only one thing… The Flash is new tomorrow at 8/7c!

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