| The CW Crossover Review: The Flash 4.8 “Crisis On Earth-X, Part 3” |

The Flash
Season 4 Episode 8: “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3”
Directed by Dermott Downs
Written by Todd Helbing
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Keiynan Lonsdale, Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Caity Lotz, Dominic Purcell, Franz Drameh, Paul Blackthorne, Victor Garber
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, November 28th, 2017, 8:00pm Warning! Spoilers below for all parts of The CW Crossover, including tonight’s episode of The Flash! So far, on Crisis on Earth-X, all of the heroes and legends converged on Central City to attend the wedding of Barry and Iris (Grant Gustin, Candice Patton). Of course, happiness can’t happen without hitches and glitches, so Nazis invaded the ceremony, led by evil Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), evil Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), and the original Eobard Thawne wearing a Wells (Tom Cavanagh) face. They came from Earth-X, the 53rd earth where the Nazis won WWII. The plan? Save dying evil Supergirl by taking the heart of our Kara. Some cool battles ensued, but our heroes were left in a Nazi prison at the end of Arrow last night. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Kreisberg, Arrow, Caity Lotz, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Chyler Leigh, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, DC's Legends Of Tomorrow, Dermott Downs, Dominic Purcell, Emily Bett Rickards, Franz Drameh, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, Keiynan Lonsdale, Melissa Benoist, Paul Blackthorne, Stephen Amell, Supergirl, The CW, The Flash, Todd Helbing, Tom Cavanagh, Victor Garber, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Review: The Flash 4.1 “The Flash Reborn” |

The Flash
Season 4 Episode 1: “The Flash Reborn”
Directed by Glen Winter
Written by Todd Helbing & Eric Wallace
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Keiynan Lonsdale
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, October 10th, 2017, 8:00pm Warning! Spoilers below for the season 3 finale of The Flash! Last season on The Flash, Savitar, aka warped Barry remnant (Grant Gustin), was finally defeated without Iris (Candice Patton) dying because HR (Tom Cavanagh) sacrificed himself instead. There was a giant fight – Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) ended up saving Cisco (Carlos Valdes), and Iris took out Savitar. The speed force needed a sacrifice and showed up as Barry’s mother, insisting he needed to go love there or worlds would be destroyed. Julian (Tom Felton) made a cure but Caitlin didn’t take it, although she was on a path to redemption. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Kreisberg, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, Eric Wallace, Geoff Johns, Glen Winter, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, Keiynan Lonsdale, The CW, The Flash, Todd Helbing, Tom Cavanagh, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Review: The Flash 3.23 “Finish Line” (Season Finale) |

The Flash
Season 3 Episode 23: “Finish Line”
Directed by David McWhirter
Written by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Keiynan Lonsdale, Tom Felton
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017, 8:00pm Warning! Spoilers below for the season 3 finale of The Flash! Last week’s Flash was full of tears, as Barry (Grant Gustin), desperate to save Iris (Candice Patton) as the clock wound down, went back in time to get Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) to help him steal an energy source from A.R.G.U.S. This energy was needed to fuel the “speedforce bazooka” that Tracy Brand (Anne Dudek) built, inspired by her muse and crush HR (Tom Cavanagh). After a harrowing reenactment of Jaws, they retrieved it and Barry and Snart said goodbye in a bittersweet moment for Captain Cold fans. The team went to Infantino Street to stop Savitar from killing Iris, but it didn’t work. Savitar ran Iris through and Barry held her body in his arms. Vibe (Carlos Valdes) and Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) faced off. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Aaron Helbing, Andrew Kreisberg, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, David McWhirter, DC Comics, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, Keiynan Lonsdale, The CW, The Flash, Todd Helbing, Tom Cavanagh, Tom Felton, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Musical Review: The Flash 3.17 “Duet”
The Flash
Season 3 Episode 17: “Duet”
Directed by Dermott Downs
Written by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Keiynan Lonsdale, Tom Felton, Violett Beane
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, March 21st, 2017, 8:00pm Last night on Supergirl, a musical was briefly mentioned as a suggestion for a movie from Mon-El to Kara (Chris Woods, Melissa Benoist). Then… at the end of the episode, an alien was brought in who spoke to Kara, “I’ve been looking for you.” He breaks out of his cuffs and whammies her with his eyes. She passes out and opens her eyes to a dream state where she is all dolled up and pushed onstage to sing. Spoilers for The Flash musical below.
...continue reading » Tags: Aaron Helbing, Andrew Kreisberg, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, Dermott Downs, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, Keiynan Lonsdale, The CW, The Flash, Todd Helbing, Tom Cavanagh, Tom Felton, Violett Beane, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Review: The Flash 3.14 “Attack On Central City” |

The Flash
Season 3 Episode 14: “Attack on Central City”
Directed by Todd Helbing
Written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Keiynan Lonsdale, Tom Felton
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, February 28th, 2017, 8:00pm Last week on The Flash, the team sans Wally, Jesse, Iris, and Joe (Keiynan Lonsdale, Violett Beane, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin) rolled to Earth-2 to save Harry from Grodd (David Sobolov). It’s a trap! Grodd told Barry (Grant Gustin) he had to kill the Gorilla City leader, Solovar (Keith David), because of a plan to attack Earth-1. Barry fought and defeated (but didn’t kill) Solovar, and then Grodd revealed the real reason… Solovar was the one preventing Grodd from attacking Earth-1’s Central City. They all got locked up again, but Barry played dead via “frost.” When Grodd threw his body onto the trash heap, Barry warmed back up, and they all escaped back to Earth-1. Wally and Jesse grew closer, while Caitlin warned Julian (Danielle Panabaker, Tom Felton) away (he didn’t listen). Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Kreisberg, Benjamin Raab, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, Deric A. Hughes, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, Keiynan Lonsdale, The CW, The Flach, Todd Helbing, Tom Cavanagh, Tom Felton, Warner Bros TV | |
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