The Flash
Season 4 Episode 8: “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3”
Directed by Dermott Downs
Written by Todd Helbing
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Keiynan Lonsdale, Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Caity Lotz, Dominic Purcell, Franz Drameh, Paul Blackthorne, Victor Garber
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, November 28th, 2017, 8:00pm
Warning! Spoilers below for all parts of The CW Crossover, including tonight’s episode of The Flash!
So far, on Crisis on Earth-X, all of the heroes and legends converged on Central City to attend the wedding of Barry and Iris (Grant Gustin, Candice Patton). Of course, happiness can’t happen without hitches and glitches, so Nazis invaded the ceremony, led by evil Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), evil Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), and the original Eobard Thawne wearing a Wells (Tom Cavanagh) face. They came from Earth-X, the 53rd earth where the Nazis won WWII. The plan? Save dying evil Supergirl by taking the heart of our Kara. Some cool battles ensued, but our heroes were left in a Nazi prison at the end of Arrow last night.
Spoilers below.
The Flash 4.8 “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3” review: The heroes are faced with the harshness of Earth-X, and meet The Ray (Russell Tovey), there because he loves the “wrong person.” We find out later, that its Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller), which is as adorable as he is.
The other half of the heroes are locked in the impenetrable cells (thanks, Cisco) at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Thawne is softening Kara up with the light from a red sun to crack her “open like a walnut,” so he can remove her heart.
Iris and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are the only hope. They knock out some Nazis but cannot free the others. Felicity calls the Legends, but it looks like they will have to save Supergirl themselves.
The heroes and The Ray are lined up by Nazi Lance (Paul Blackthorne) to be shot. And at the count of 3, they are saved by Captain Cold. They go back to base. There is a gate, but General Winn (Jeremy Jordan) says no, he is destroying it. Alex (Chyler Leigh) tries in vain to convince him.
Evil Kara (Overgirl – dislike the name) has a talk with herself, trying to convince Kara of their godliness. “What do you care if I take your heart? you’re not using it.”
Sara to Winn: “Look fingerless gloves…” She’s funny. Winn plans to use Red Tornado to destroy it.
Stein tries to apologize to Jax. “You are my family.” So sweet.
Sara gives Alex a promise to save her sister, after she freaks out. Sara shares her loss.
There was a really funny part where Miller’s Prison Break “plan” pledge was repeated back to him (from Snart on The Flash). I love, love, love when Purcell and Miller make Prison Break references, like Mick calling people “pretty.”
Barry and The Ray try to stop Red Tornado, but only stall him for a few minutes.
The episode ends with Stein getting shot at close range as Jax watches in horror. They better not do what I think they are doing.
The crossovers are like a WWE Royal Rumble. Every time someone is in a completely dire situation, a new player jumps in.
The 4-part crossover concludes with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (review to follow).
The Flash airs Tuesday nights at 8:00pm ET on The CW.
The CW’s synopsis:
The Flash
Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 (Ep# 408)
THE EPIC FOUR-WAY CROSSOVER WITH “ARROW,” “SUPERGIRL,” “THE FLASH” AND “DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW” CONTINUES — Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris’s (Candice Patton) wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold (guest star Wentworth Miller), The Ray (guest star Russell Tovey), Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Bett Rickards), Iris West and Alex Danvers (guest star Chyler Leigh) to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth’s mightiest heroes — Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell), Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist), The Flash (Grant Gustin) and White Canary (guest star Caity Lotz) — lead their teams into battle to save the world. Dermott Downs directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim and teleplay by Todd Helbing (#408). Original airdate 11/28/2017.
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